Call for proposals in Heritage Science for Conservation

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
Heritage Science for Conservation
Call for Proposals
Johns Hopkins University
Sheridan Libraries and Museums

Johns Hopkins University is pleased to announce that it is now accepting proposals under its 2013 call for proposals in Heritage Science for Conservation (HSC).  Supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, HSC is an interdisciplinary program based in the Department of Conservation and Preservation of the Sheridan Libraries and Museums which partners with the Whiting School of Engineering’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering at JHU.

Heritage Science for Conservation provides a bridge between the work of scientists and conservators by bringing them together in one lab in order to conduct research, to engage in collaborations with conservators, scientists, students, and industry; and to explore various topics in the preservation and conservation of book and paper collections found in cultural institutions.   By attracting outstanding scientists to the discipline of conservation and uniting scientists into the larger conversations of the heritage community, HSC advances knowledge of conservation of cultural heritage materials and develops the next generation of conservation scientists.

Proposals should seek to combine different scientific and engineering concepts and/or technologies in order to yield new understanding or practical results helpful to conservators. HSC accepts proposals based on the six Research Areas and the corresponding Project Topic. Applicants should refer to the Research Area chart via the following link:

Any research topic from the six Research Areas will be considered. Areas with particular emphasis for HSC include paper strengthening, permanence of coatings and paper sizing, leather consolidants, modeling and forecasting for book and paper aging and degradation, and proof of concept for technology benefiting book and paper conservators, sufficient for commercialization.  In addition to the primary research proposal, fellows will participate in other small avenues of research exploration or develop smaller research initiatives as may be revealed through the course of the primary research project or in the course of working alongside scientists, conservators, curators and industry partners.

Candidates must hold a PhD in a scientific discipline and have a high level of scientific achievement combined with a strong interest in cultural heritage collections.  Experimental research experience and an ability to plan and execute research are required. Salary for the position is $56,000.00 and includes fringe benefits and the health insurance premium.

Please visit our website for further information on the postdoctoral fellowship, the Proposal Guidelines, and the Submission Form:

Johns Hopkins University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to recruiting, supporting, and fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students.  All applicants who share this goal are encouraged to apply.

·        Submission Deadline:  February 15, 2013
·        Phone Interviews:  March 15, 2013
·        Award Notification:  April 15, 2013
·        Start Date:  August 15, 2013

From the Bench: Conservators Save Colonial-Era Artifacts from Corrosion

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

By Emily Williams, Conservator of Archaeological Materials, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Department of Conservation

The recreated settlement at Wolstenholme Town, Martin’s Hundred’s administrative center.

Excavated during the Bicentennial year of 1976, the artifacts from Martin’s Hundred tell an exciting tale of colonialism, adaptation to a new land and …a deadly struggle. Situated near the banks of the James River in Virginia, Martin’s Hundred was settled by 280 colonists in 1618. In 1622 the settlement was temporarily abandoned after 58 colonists were killed during the Powhatan Uprising. Resettled shortly thereafter, with a much diminished population, the settlement never regained its footing and by the 18th century core components had been acquired by Robert “King” Carter, who turned it into a plantation.

The artifacts from Martin’s Hundred represent a broad range of domestic, agricultural and military items. A handful of items, already antiques when they were brought to Virginia, date to the late sixteenth century. Other artifacts include the first close helmets found in North America, pieces of armor and chain mail, table knives with bolsters decorated with silver and gold wire, and a shackle. Most of the iron artifacts were treated when they were first excavated to remove the dirt and rust from the surface, broken artifacts were joined together and the surfaces coated to prevent moisture from causing further corrosion.

Nearly forty years later, the Martin’s Hundred artifacts are a good reminder that, unfortunately, no conservation treatment, however skillfully done, lasts forever. Many of the objects were corroding again. The IMLS grant has allowed us to begin stabilizing them anew. We are carefully removing the wax coatings, cleaning the surfaces, and then desalinating the objects. The process of desalinating removes the salts that have seeped into an artifact during burial, which if left, can cause more damage. Our intervention does not stop there though. We are rehousing the artifacts, providing more support, and reestablishing a system of sealed drawers that maintain a very dry environment. The drawers have clear plexi lids that are held in place by magnets to prevent dry air leaking out but still allow visitors and scholars to see the objects. We are becoming experts on magnet strength, a skill I never thought I would cultivate!

Like the excavation, the retreatment project has offered new tales. As the wax has come off, we, and visitors to our lab, have been impressed by the degree to which objects were reconstructed in the past and by how carefully they were recreated and preserved. They remind us that although techniques have been refined the goal of preserving these objects is a constant.


From the Bench: The Peabody Museum Maps 140 Years of Anthropology Fieldwork

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

By T. Rose Holdcraft, Conservator and Administrative Head, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University

Thanks to an IMLS grant, Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology can now share more of its broad-ranging Map Collection with researchers. The collection includes maps and illustrations from the Abri Pataud region in France, hard-to-find documents of the UNESCO World Heritage archaeological site Chan Chan in Peru, and unpublished maps and drawings from the Lower Mississippi Valley Survey.

2012 Research visit. Studying Russell Train Smith’s original sketches of Las Monjas ruins at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.

In 2009, we received an IMLS Conservation Project Support grant award to improve access and preservation of the historical maps, architectural drawings, and archaeological site plans. These archival items document American anthropological history of the past 140 years. The Peabody Museum, the oldest museum dedicated to anthropology in the Western hemisphere, conducted some of the earliest fieldwork in North America including the Hopewell, Mississippian, and Mimbres culture sites. By the project’s end in April 2011, we had created more than 5,200 new database records, and conserved and re-housed 6,600 items. Within the year we saw significant increases in public access to this collection and in research and teaching based on it. Researchers search the museum’s Collections Online website to identify documents and then arrange an onsite visit to study the collections. For example, a researcher recently visited with her uncle and marveled at several drawings of Maya monuments from Chichen Itza penned in the 1930s by her grandfather.

With grant funds, we cleaned, humidified, and stored the documents flat in acid-free paper-based folders in new museum-quality cabinetry. Previously, the majority of items were inaccessible: compressed, folded, and/or rolled. The map room with a new large viewing platform provides a comfortable space to safely handle and study these often oversized historic anthropological documents. The project supported professional development of several interns who updated object records with newly realized information critical to future research and preservation.

One of the discoveries during the project was a set of drawings by Ann Axtel Morris. These large colorful illustrations of Maya monuments were used in a 2011 Harvard course. Another find was a printed map, heavily used and annotated during an early expedition to South Africa; it now will be featured in a 2013 publication.

Since 2011, 31 individuals have requested access to more than 50 items in the map collection.

The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology is very grateful for key funding provided by IMLS to make these valuable collections available to the global community. For further information, see this Peabody Museum article and the museum’s conservation web page about the project.

From the Bench: New Storage Safeguards Newark Museum’s Jewelry and African Art Collections

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

By:  Rebecca Buck, Deputy Director for Collection Services, Newark Museum

With the help of IMLS, the Newark Museum has slowly changed its collection storage to best protect important collections and let curators and researchers easily see the safely stored objects within it. Drab gray open shelving has been replaced by enclosed cabinets powder-coated with Chinese red, Tibetan orange, Lenox green, Royal purple and, for the largest project – African storage – a yellow as brilliant as the African sun.

Jewelry Technician Sara Parmigiani with Jewelry Storage. Photography by Andrea Hagy, Associate Registrar

In the 1980s, the Newark Museum renovated and connected a series of early 20th-century buildings under the direction of Michael Graves Associates. Storage was outfitted according to the standards of the time as directed by the individual curators. Over the years it became necessary to upgrade areas to increase space and develop better ways of protecting and accessing objects in the collections. The two latest projects, storage upgrades for jewelry and for the African art collection, will resolve some old problems and reach current standards of care.

Newark’s jewelry collection is magnificent, an active 1,900+ piece collection curated by Ulysses Grant Dietz, Chief Curator and Curator of Decorative Arts. It reflects Newark’s heritage: home of Tiffany & Company, Herpers, Hedges, Krementz, Riker, Bippart, Durand and others. The new Lore Ross gallery in the historic Ballantine House is one of the few galleries in the United States devoted solely to the display of jewelry.

Six old wooden and metal cabinets were replaced with three Delta cabinets full of narrow drawers with dividers – there is now at least one compartment available for each piece of jewelry. An IMLS-funded technician and a decorative arts intern arranged dividers as needed to accommodate rings, brooches, crosses, bracelets, and necklaces, and developed a volara padding scenario for each compartment. The work of inventory, lining, placement, and photography went on all of the spring and summer of 2012. The result: safe objects, logically stored objects, objects with mounts where they’re needed, a complete inventory, photographs attached to a complete database, and best of all, errors corrected!

Assistant Preparator David Bonner with African Storage. Photography by Andrea Hagy, Associate Registrar

The Newark Museum is also in the midst of a multifaceted African art collection expansion project. Led by Senior Curator, Arts of Africa and the Americas, Christa Clarke, the current African art galleries will triple in size, a conservation lab will be developed, and the first-ever catalog of the collection will be published. For the storage portion, an IMLS grant matched by money raised for storage improvement led to a wonderful compact storage unit that will hold thousands of works from the African art collection, reorganized by geography and genre for greater accessibility.

The Newark Museum’s ability to provide safe storage and collection care has been greatly improved by these projects. They help make certain that important objects will be available for generations to come.



From the Bench: Preserving Civil War Artifacts in Cape Fear

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

By Barbara Rowe, Museum Curator, Cape Fear Museum

Cape Fear Museum of History and Science’s collection includes more than 50,000 artifacts. Our conservation budget is small, and, for a number of years, we sought ways to conserve some of our most fragile and precious items. In 2009 we received, an IMLS Conservation Project Support grant that let us preserve three items: a rare 34-star U.S. flag; Confederate Major-General William Henry Chase Whiting’s dress uniform; and a Confederate second national flag. All three items had been in the museum’s collections for decades (since 1961, the 1890s, and the 1930s respectively) and we knew that they needed to be conserved for future generations.

Conservator working on the 34-star U. S. flag’s canton.
© Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, Wilmington, N.C.

The U.S. flag was donated to the city in 1961 by William Covell’s family. Northern-born Covell left Wilmington after North Carolina decided to secede from the United States. The family story says that his flag was displayed at one of the many meetings held in the city to discuss what to do about the sectional crisis. The flag had tears and weak areas, and the fly end had been folded back and stitched as a means of strengthening the edge.

Major-General Whiting, a West Point graduate and career U.S. army officer sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War, and he commanded the defenses of the Lower Cape Fear region. His uniform’s silk lining was in shreds and needed stabilization in order to be displayed on a mannequin.

The museum’s Confederate flag purportedly flew over Fort Fisher and was captured when the fort was taken by the Union. It traveled north after the war, and was returned to the city by a New York Civil War collector. Like the U.S. flag, the second national flag had tears and weak areas.

The IMLS grant was just the boost we needed; we used it to leverage support within the community. Our city government, several local organizations, and numerous individuals all contributed to the project. We’re also excited to report that we’ve made plans to exhibit the three objects, and that the exhibit Fragments of War, which includes a number of other rarely displayed objects from our Civil War collection, opened October 5, 2012. We could not have displayed the artifacts, even temporarily, without the IMLS grant, and we’re thrilled that we have the chance to put these rare and historically significant artifacts into the public eye during the Civil War’s sesquicentennial.

For more information contact Barbara L. Rowe, Curator, at, Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, 814 Market Street, Wilmington, NC  28401,


From the Bench: These Face Lifts Require Heavy Lifting

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

Judith Levinson, Director of Conservation, American Museum of Natural History, Division of Anthropology

Most of the large and important collection of totem poles at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) has been on display for more than a century!  As decades have passed and other so-called “permanent” exhibitions have come and gone, these silent sentinels have stood near the entrance of the museum’s earliest building as countless visitors, from royal families to millions of school children, have passed by.

About 10 years ago, the anthropology conservation staff surveyed the 77 monumental poles and carvings from the Pacific Northwest in order to prioritize which pieces would benefit the most from conservation. In 2009, thanks to generous funding from IMLS, we were able to begin to work on some of the neediest cases. We started with the smaller figures—those, less than eight feet tall. Some we could de-install and transfer to the lab for treatment; others were too difficult to remove and had to be conserved in-situ working on scissor lifts.

Giant dust bunnies hid in out-of-reach crevices and thousands of splinters needed to be stabilized. We also had to contend with the well-meaning acts of past restorers. Using modern conservation practices and more stable materials, we were able to carefully reverse old restorations and stabilize the degraded surfaces, ensuring that they can be safely cleaned during routine housekeeping with the goal of maintaining them on open display to the public for another hundred years or more.

During the second IMLS-funded phase of the project, we were presented with the unique opportunity to work on the largest totem poles in our Hall of Northwest Coast Indians. The museum was installing a fire-suppression system that required the temporary de-installation of four monumental house posts. These posts had been commissioned for the museum in 1923 and were carved by native artist Arthur Shaughnessy in the remote community of Alert Bay, British Columbia. They were shipped across the continent and had stood in place, unmoved since their arrival.

Lowering each 1200-1500-pound pole was a feat requiring several “nights at the museum” with Marshall Fine Arts rigging company. Aided by a rotating team of trusty conservation interns and students, we set up our temporary lab in the Northwest Coast Hall and began a task as monumental as the posts themselves.

Temporary lab set up in the gallery

We are currently continuing our work on other needy cases from the hall and plan to disseminate our findings and treatment techniques in conservation publications soon.


Additional resources for Hurricane Sandy response

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, our thoughts are with those affected during this difficult time and we at AIC would like to provide as much support as we can.

On Sunday, November 4, speakers from the American Institute for Conservation Collections Emergency Response Team (AIC-CERT) and Museum of Modern Art’s conservation staff conducted an introductory workshop to relay helpful information to the many artists and galleries whose works were affected by Hurricane Sandy. They provided suggestions and answered questions on how to safely handle damaged paintings, drawings, books, sculptures, and other artistic and cultural materials.  Resources, including the PowerPoint presentation from the workshop, are available on the MoMA website’s Recovery page .  MoMA has also issued Immediate Response for Collections, a document offering step-by-step guidelines for dealing with artworks damaged by flooding, and we will continue to lend knowledge and support to those caring for collections affected by the storm.

The Alliance for Response is a national program on cultural heritage and disaster management.  The New York City branch of this organization strives to connect emergency responders with representatives of the cultural heritage community throughout the 5 boroughs. Our goal is to strengthen mitigation and response capabilities through training exercises, development of local planning efforts and improved dialogue and partnerships.

In order to do this, we invite you or your institution to become an Alliance for Response  New York member.  As a member, you will receive information via email on response seminars and activities, as well as emergency alerts.   As you receive information from us, we encourage you to work with your institution to disseminate that information as you see fit.  We also hope that you will encourage other cultural institutions to join as well, no matter how large or small.  For now, if you wish to become an Alliance for Response NYC  member, please email  Tina March directly at and provide your name, title, institution affiliation, contact information including mailing address, email and phone number.

In addition, due to the devastating effects of hurricane Sandy on the NYC arts community, we are asking conservators of all specialties in the NYC area to contact us if they would like to be connected with institutions and individuals in need of assistance.  Please note this in your email along with your area of expertise.

Also, for those of you who may unfortunately have suffered damage to your property as a result of Hurricane Sandy, Alexandra Darraby of the Art Law Firm (ALF) would like to offer pro bono services to AIC members from any practice area or committee for handling storm damage-related issues including communications with clients, adjusters and brokers, what to sign or not sign, preservation and documentation of potential evidence before and after claim, loss or “salvage”, inventory assessments and other related issues. Please email if you feel this would be helpful to you.

From the Bench: Conservator of All I Survey

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

By Gretchen Anderson, Conservator, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

In 2009, I was hired as the sole conservator at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CMNH). I moved from a small museum, the Science Museum of Minnesota, to one of the great natural history museums, housed in a national landmark building and holding over 22 million stellar collections. The most efficient and effective way to determine the future direction conservation should take at CMNH was to conduct a general survey.

CMNH first conducted a general survey in 1989, funded by IMLS. The survey report was used as the foundation for the museum’s first comprehensive long-range conservation plan, a plan that guided conservation efforts for the past 20 years.

This is the second survey that I have been involved in. It was developed in collaboration between museum representatives and a team of expert consultants: Catharine Hawks, Dr. Robert Waller, and LEED Engineers Ernie Conrad and Paul Kreitler from Landmark Facilities Group.

Consultants Rob Waller (left) and Cathy Hawks (right) meet with Invertebrate Zoology Collections Manager Albert Kollar (center).

Phase 1: Planning

I gathered background documents from staff and conducted an in-house review of environmental conditions and monitoring methodology.

Phase 2: Site Visit

The objective was to provide consultants the opportunity to assess the buildings and collections and interview stakeholders. The consultant team was on site for six days. We had to tour three buildings, looking at both the public areas and behind the scenes, such as collections storage and workrooms, mechanical rooms, and attics. We met with staff from curatorial sections, administration, facilities, events, and exhibits. This was by far the most intense and enjoyable part of the project.

Phase 3:  Collaborative Analysis and Strategy Development

The task was to develop workable strategies to reduce the risk to collections. This took the longest and was the most difficult phase. We spent a great deal of time writing and editing the survey results so that the report spoke with one voice. There was a lot of discussion between the consultants on specific issues, such as reasonable environmental conditions

Consultant team views the attic space and notes the glass ceiling.

Phase 4: Final Report  

The final product ended up being a very thorough report that identifies the risks to the collections and prioritizes these risks for future care. Strategies for addressing improvements are recommended. The report is being used as the foundation for a detailed long-range conservation plan and a planning tool for administration.

This survey allowed me, as a new conservator at the institution, to learn who the main players are, and build relationships with my museum colleagues who can help me move collections preservation strategies forward.  As a result of the grant we now have a new long-range preservation plan which will guide our conservation and activities for years to come.


From the Bench: Seattle Art Museum’s Delicate Asian Screens Rehoused for Access and Preservation

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

Nicholas Dorman, Chief Conservator, Seattle Art Museum

A busy display and scholarly research schedule in an historic museum building can pose challenges for long-term care of fragile works of art. Preserving our important collection of Asian screens and ensuring safe access to them were two critical priorities for me and my colleagues at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. We had made do with artfully cobbled-together bins and antiquated metal cabinets for a number of years but this was not suitable storage for a great and growing collection of these delicate treasures. A grant from IMLS enabled us to bring our collections-care practices to optimal standards.

Custom designed cabinets provide safe and stable storage for delicate Asian screens.

Working with a local vendor, we designed and installed a suite of screen cabinets that provide a safe and stable storage environment for the paintings. The furniture is beautifully made and will be very durable. The screens are strapped to sliding shelves within new bespoke archival boxes. The design reduces risk to the art and to the art handlers’ backs and greatly enhances safe access. Since the relative humidity can be passively managed with conditioning gel, the cabinets provide an excellent additional layer of buffering to protect the screens from environmental fluctuations. Another terrific legacy of this grant was that it gave us an opportunity to fully survey the condition of the screens. The resulting condition record and photographs will have a lasting impact as we define treatment priorities over time.

Support from IMLS was absolutely crucial for the realization of the project. It helped us to garner complementary local support and allowed us to show that the project had passed the highest-level process of review and evaluation, which was vital for the credibility of this and related storage projects. This is one of only a few programs that help museums to fund slightly less glamorous back of house development, yet it is these quiet projects that have, perhaps, the greatest impact on the works of art that we leave behind for our grandchildren to enjoy.

You can read more about our IMLS-supported screen storage project at:

and about the Seattle Art Museum’s general conservation activities at:

From the Bench: Making Things Amber Clear

This post is part of the “From the Bench” series celebrating the work of conservators. Part scientist, part detective, they work to preserve the past for the future. This series features the voices of conservators who are working on IMLS-supported projects in museums across the United States. For more information about IMLS funding for museums see

Elizabeth Nunan, Associate Conservator, Natural Science Collections, American Museum of Natural History

With funding from the IMLS Conservation Project Support grant program, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) conservators and fossil preparators have spent the past 12 months treating and documenting the museum’s unique and global collection of fossils in amber. The AMNH amber collection is one of the world’s largest, most diverse, and scientifically significant with nearly 17,000 pieces containing well over 25,000 inclusions of insects and other ancient life forms. When exposed to ambient conditions, such as light, temperature, and relative humidity, amber darkens, and over time microscopic cracks can form on exposed surfaces. In severe cases, this network of cracks, or crazing, can completely mask the inclusion, and large fractures can extend through their bodies. Without treatment, the amber can break or crumble, exposing the inclusions to further deterioration and making the specimen unsafe to handle or study. The IMLS Amber Fossil Conservation project was designed to stabilize all of the most scientifically important and some of the most deteriorated pieces in this collection so they can be safely stored, handled, and preserved for future research and exhibition. Of particular concern was treatment of the scientifically important type specimens – the first specimen to which the scientific name of an organism is attached.

To prevent the darkening and crazing that obscures and damages inclusions each amber type specimen is treated with Epo-Tek 301-2 epoxy,  either by coating exposed surfaces or embedding whole pieces under vacuum.  Embedding the amber in epoxy stabilizes the specimen by infiltrating the cracks, and making it less likely to break during trimming and polishing. One of the key benefits of such preparation is that researchers can get much closer to the inclusion and gain clearer views of important characteristics, without risking breakage or internal cracking. Many fossil insect specimens in amber could never have been properly studied without this process.

Before and after images show how treatment minimized cracks and crazing in the amber

This project has helped ensure the preservation and overall accessibility of the museum’s priceless amber collections for the benefit of generations to come. In addition, the AMNH has already shared lessons learned and procedures developed with other institutions through publications and lectures at professional conferences such as the Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections, the International Paleoentomological Society, the Paleontological Society of India, and the University of Lucknow, India.