July meeting minutes were approved on the 9/13/11 call.
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July 21, 2011
Conference Call Attendees:
Rose Cull
Ryan Winfield
Heather Brown
Amy Brost
Rebecca Rushfield
Stephanie Lussier
Stephanie Porto
Amber Kerr-Allison
Gwen Manthey
Ruth Seyler
I. June Minutes
a. Not everyone received the June minutes. Rose will send out again. Call for approval will occur on the next call.
II. Officer Vacancies
a. Transition of officers: Ruth suggested a two-year term for the chair position for continuity purposes, with all other committee positions at one year. Also, she recommends the chair be a few years out of a graduate program – if possible, a PA – in order to provide guidance to all levels of emerging conservators. Rose mentioned that the new chair should also have a different background than herself, and thus different ideas. Stephanie Lussier suggested the term follow the same timeline as the other AIC committees, beginning right after the annual meeting. Rose and Ruth are going to reach out to a few individuals they believe would suit the position and may be interested. Those nearing the end of a grad program are busiest. Someone with 1-2 years experience may be more willing to make the time commitment.
b. Those on the call agreed that inviting candidates was appropriate, especially because the committee is still somewhat new, so members have not had an opportunity to move up through the ranks.
c. There will be a voting process – candidates will be put to the committee for approval.
III. Angels Project 2012
a. Ruth is in the process of exploring sites for the Angels Project in Albuquerque. ECPN will step in once the site is selected to help with marketing, providing volunteers, etc.
b. Moving toward doing two projects at the annual meetings.
IV. Expanding Participation on ECPN Calls
a. The idea came up to attempt to involve the broader ECPN network on calls. Currently, the ECPN officers, staff and board liaisons, and partners participate, but others typically do not.
b. Perhaps invite the full network for a “forum” type of call with a special agenda. Try to get more people involved between being a member of the network and becoming a committee officer.
c. Reach out to East Carolina University, Cardiff, etc. – include students of schools outside of ANAGPIC.
d. The frequency of the “forum” call could be every third or fourth call, depending on how many topics are on the list. One idea for a topic is a discussion of internships. Ryan suggested maintaining a list of topics and then doing a forum call when there are four topics, with a goal to have a full-network call roughly 3 times per year.
e. Perhaps see if any topics are specific projects, and see if volunteers would work on a project basis (research, etc.) and then bring findings/work back to full group for discussion.
V. Mentoring Program
a. Rose is seeking mentors – one for paintings and a few for people without an interest in a specific specialty area. Ryan mentioned that a few mentor applications have come in.
b. The online application form could be updated to include a space to make a note if the person is applying in response to a request to mentor a specific person.
c. Rose will be drafting a mentor invitation letter.
d. Amber asked if perhaps publishing mentee profiles that prospective mentors could browse to see if they were interested? Rose indicated that there would need to be a place on the application to give permission for this.
e. Rose mentioned that conservators could add “mentoring” to their profile in the AIC Directory to show they mentor in some way – whether by taking pre-program people or by participating as a mentor in the Mentoring Program.
f. Important that the mentoring offer not be broad and open-ended, because people want to respond to specific needs, rather than make broad, open-ended commitments to mentor anyone who calls.
VI. Student/Emerging Members
a. Rebecca has drafted a letter to encourage the committees and SG’s to have student/emerging members. It will be emailed out to all specialty groups and AIC committees. Rose will send the final letter to ECPN dist list.
b. Could take it back to the program heads to show them that opportunities exist for students to get involved.
c. Rose is writing an article for AIC News about this.
VII. Annual Meeting 2011 ECPN Survey Results
a. Ryan will send out to everyone. Nothing too unexpected. Most people attended the Portfolio Review, followed by attending the Informational Meeting and viewing the poster.
b. Most people found out about ECPN events through the meeting program, followed by email and Facebook.
c. The highest rated event was the Portfolio Session, followed by the poster.
d. Most people by far wanted to see a dinner or Happy Hour take place outside of the annual meeting (84.2%), and there was also high interest in a Portfolio Session and Informational Meeting outside of the AIC meeting.
e. Roughly 1/3 of the respondents were conservators, 1/3 graduate students, 1/3 pre-program. The smallest number was undergrads or people in related fields.
f. Most people prefer email as a way to keep up with ECPN. We don’t do much email now, so perhaps enhance that.
g. Most people, over half, want to participate in a future Angels Project (57.1%). Next was participating in Mentoring Program (nearly 40%). Smaller interest in a future Portfolio Session or serving on a committee.
h. Ryan will send any comments that respondents wrote in, but there were not many. Most were very positive comments about the Portfolio Session.
VIII. Outreach
a. Heather Brown will be attending graduate school in the fall, so this will most likely be her last ECPN call as Outreach Coordinator.
b. Ryan will give Heather list of people interested in blogging.
c. Amber noted some summer interns, etc. have blogs. Suggested Heather ask if they will guest-blog for ECPN.
d. Overhaul blog when AIC website updated. Move to different platform?
e. Ryan indicated that the new website is still being discussed, so what will happen with the blog is not yet known. Discussion is slated for the end of the summer. New website launch date slated for October. New blog will most likely be a WordPress format that integrates better with the CMS.
f. Heather is doing a networking toolkit, like AAM’s. Many people want to network with people in their area. She is working on a blog post on this.
g. Heather/Amber suggested a map, or way to show where network members are located. Perhaps do this in partnerships with the regional guilds.
h. Washington and Philadelphia will have new liaisons. Amber will see if Richmond area can identify a liaison also.
IX. Communications
a. After completing the flier and poster, the Communications project load is fairly light. Amy is working on several blog posts.
b. Amber suggested tapping into the Public Outreach/Engagement theme for Albuquerque. Develop a poster about how emerging conservators are leveraging social media and other tactics to create awareness of their activities. Solicit input from network. Session? Poster? Panel? See what ECPN can contribute to 2012 annual meeting on this theme.
X. Education & Training Updates
a. Amber has the survey results from the graduate meeting at AIC and the student research repository meeting. Those results will be shared in an upcoming call.
b. Attaining PA status: More PA’s could be a way to bring in more mentors. Talk to graduate programs about how to discuss this more. Draft something for the programs to send to their graduates. Encourage PA status among post-graduate fellows. Make the case for being a PA for conservators. But also have a list for why people within and outside the field should care about PA’s and Fellows. Now that the debate about certification is behind us, perhaps time for another push for the PA program.
XI. ECC Update
a. CAC Board now has an emerging conservator. Meaghan Monaghan is a co-chair of the ECC, and there are a few new members. The group is in a state of transition. CAC is revamping its website. ECC will have a new presence on the new CAC website.
XII. Communication with Grad Programs outside ANAGPIC
a. First have blog posts about them, and then once the programs learn about each other, look for ways to collaborate.
b. IIC in September (panel) – at the conference, Amber will talk to them about blogging for ECPN
XIII. Emerging Museum Professionals Group for AAM
a. Panel on conservation training, at the 2013 meeting. Rose suggested that the AAM proposal be revisited in March.
The next call will be August 18 at 1:00 pm ET.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Brost