Former Blog of the American Institute for Conservation
Category: Grants & Scholarships
This category provides information for the membership about upcoming deadlines for national grants, funded opportunities, and awards. Descriptions of funding opportunities that are culled from other sources (announcements from newsletters, websites, etc.) are also included.
1. Plowden/ Clothworkers’ Foundation CPD Grant, Anna Plowden Trust and The Clothworkers’ Foundation
2. Conservation Training Bursaries, Anna Plowden Trust
The Anna Plowden Trust and the Clothworkers Foundation – two of the leading funders of training and development for conservators – have teamed up to offer greater support for conservators undertaking continuing professional development (CPD). The Anna Plowden Trust has provided more than 100 grants for CPD during the last two decades and the Clothworkers Foundation conservation program has given over 150,000 GBP in CPD grants during the last eight years.
For 2017, the Clothworkers Foundation has awarded a grant of 20,000 GBP to the Anna Plowden Trust, specifically to help increase support for conservators seeking to improve their knowledge or skills, or to broaden their professional experience. The Anna Plowden Trust will administer the award of Anna Plowden Trust Clothworkers Foundation CPD grants on behalf of both funders, simplifying the process for applicants and greatly increasing the level of support available to UK-based conservators.
The next deadline for applications is March 22 2017 (with the remaining deadlines in 2017 on June 5 and September 14, 2017).
Note that from January 2017 The Clothworkers Foundation will not offer CPD grants directly, it will only do so through this partnership with the Anna Plowden Trust.
The Anna Plowden Trust offers grants towards the fees for attending a full-time conservation training course. Applications are considered from those who wish to embark on a career in conservation or from existing conservators who need to broaden the base of their formal training by attending a course for at least one year.
– Courses that prepare students for a career in conserving the movable heritage (e.g. paintings, textiles, archaeological objects etc.) as well as heritage affixed to buildings (stained glass, wall paintings) are eligible.
– Courses on the conservation of the non-movable heritage (e.g. buildings) are not eligible
– Applications are invited from individuals but please note that if a grant is made the funds will be paid to the institution at which the student is studying.
– Successful applicants may be awarded a free subscription to a journal if this offer is generously repeated in 2016 by the Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, one of the Trust’s sponsors.
Our funds are heavily over-subscribed so potential applicants may wish to bear in mind that we will normally give preference to applicants who intend to make their careers in the UK.
2. Banner Conservation – SouthWest Museum Development Program, Heritage Lottery Funds
1. PhD SCHOLARSHIP, Sheffield Hallam University (Sheffield, UK)
The following project is available for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Ph.D Scholarship at the Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University: “High porosity salt resistant mortars for the repair of historic structures.”
The scholarship is for UK/EU applicants. It covers tuition fees (at UK/EU levels) and maintenance at Research Council UK levels, for three years of full-time study commencing in October 2017.
All applicants should hold a strong undergraduate degree (2.1 or above) and/or a relevant masters qualification (or expectation of the same).
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday, February 24, 2017.
Interviews will be held on April 24 and 25, 2017.
2. BANNER CONSERVATION, SouthWest Museum Development Program – Heritage Lottery Funds
The SouthWest Museum Development Programme has been awarded funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund for the conservation of 15 banners (textile, some with painted decoration, others with embroidery or applique designs).
Conservators are welcome to apply as individuals or with one or more colleagues, for any number of the contracts. The timetable is an important part of the project.
Applications must be submitted by noon on February 20, 2017 to the email address listed in the contract.
ICOM-CC/Getty International Program
Travel grants to the 18th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark – September 4-8, 2017.
With support from the Getty Foundation, the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) will offer a limited number of travel grants for museum and/or conservation professionals from emerging economies and developing countries (ICOM country *categories 3 and 4 *(ICOM Country Classifications for conference 2017) in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Latin America to attend the 18th Triennial Conference of ICOM-CC.
Who can apply?
Qualified museum and/or conservation professionals with a minimum of three years work experience who are currently employed in a museum or related institution may apply. Grants are not limited to ICOM members; however, special consideration will be given to individual members of ICOM and ICOM-CC, or Friends of ICOM-CC, or those working for an institution that is an institutional member of ICOM.
How to apply
Applicants must complete the grant application form available at the ICOM-CC website, and on request from the ICOM-CC Secretariat,
The firm deadline for application is February 24, 2017. Submission by e-mail only to the ICOM-CC Secretariat.
Funding collections care at the nation’s museums has been a core function of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) since its earliest days as the Institute of Museum Services (IMS), founded in 1976. This year we are celebrating our 20th anniversary as an agency that serves both museums and libraries, and our commitment remains as strong as ever. We have helped museums conduct conservation surveys as important first steps in identifying collections care needs and priorities. We have funded environmental surveys and subsequent improvements to help ensure appropriate conditions in collections storage and exhibit areas. We have paid for conservation treatments to prolong the lives of specific objects that communities hold dear, and we have supported conservation research that has benefited museums everywhere by developing protocols, generating research datasets, and creating rigorous training programs in collections care. IMLS-funded projects have extended across the entire spectrum of museums as defined by our legislation, and they have touched on virtually all museum disciplines.
Over the years, there have been modifications in IMLS funding programs, including those devoted to collections care. For the 2016 Joint AIC 44th Annual Meeting and the CAC ACCR 42nd Annual Conference in Montreal, I pulled together some numbers to see if we could assess the impact of these shifts, and now I have added the 2016 data, which just became available this fall.
I focused on the records for our two large programs for funding conservation and collections care in museums: Conservation Project Support, which was active from the beginning of IMS days through 2012, and Museums for America, which came into being in 2004 and is now our largest grant program for museums. In 2013, we folded Conservation Project Support into Museums for America, and we went to a single deadline for all IMLS museum grant applications. In 2014, we introduced a $5,000-$25,000 funding level with no cost share in Museums for America. To get an idea of how these actions may have impacted our grant making from the standpoint of numbers of applications submitted, the amount of funding requested, the number of awards made, and the amount of funding provided, I went back to 2011.
Figure 1. Number of applications submitted to IMLS in museum collections care/conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.
By Numbers
These charts show the number of applications we received for collections care projects (Figure 1), the number of awards made (Figure 2), and the percent success in applications funded by year (Figure 3).
The obvious outlier here is 2011.That was the final year of our American Heritage Preservation Grants, which was a three-year program in which grants of $3,000 were made for the treatment of a single object or small group of objects.
The trend in the number of grants made and the percent awarded is upward since 2013, the year we combined Conservation Project Support with Museum for America. Since then, collections care and conservation projects have competed with educational, program, exhibition, and other types of projects, and they have done very well.
Figure 2. Number of grants awarded by IMLS in museum collections care/conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.Figure 3. Percent success in applications funded through IMLS museum collections care/ conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.
That this trend continued in and beyond 2014, when we introduced the $5,000-$25,000 no-cost-share option, suggests that this innovation has been successful. It seems particularly attractive to small museums for rehousing projects and to museums of all sizes for the often-hard-to-cost-share treatment projects.
Figure 4. Dollars requested from IMLS in museum collections care/conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.
By Dollars
The second set of charts shows the dollars requested for collections care by year (Figure 4), the dollars awarded by year (Figure 5), and the percent success in receiving dollars requested by year (Figure 6).
The picture here is quite different. The 2011 figures don’t seem quite so anomalous, and that makes sense, given that this unusual opportunity involved small amounts of money. We see a general upward trend in the percentage of dollars awarded from 2013 to 2016, which might reflect the introduction of the $5,000-$25,000 no-cost-share option. Collections projects are very well represented and very successful at that funding level. Increases in numbers of applications, number of awards, dollars requested, and dollars awarded in 2016 may reflect the explicit invitation for projects designed to broaden access to and expand use of museum collections. Most of these projects involve digital asset management specifically and information management more generally.
Figure 5. Dollars awarded through IMLS museum collections care/conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.
Figure 6. Percent success in receiving dollars requested through IMLS museum collections care/conservation grant programs, 2011-2016.
By Project Type and Museum Discipline
In addition to the “how many” and “how much” questions, we are also asked (and we ask ourselves), “What did IMLS fund in ‘X’ this year?” It’s a perfectly legitimate question, but one to which until recently we were only respond with examples—or long lists of examples. We did not have the wherewithal to talk about what we funded across grant programs nor to look at changes through time.
Figure 7. Like the Sharpie, one grant project can have many tags. Source:
We decided to do what taxonomically inclined museum people do, which is develop a system for classifying the awards we make according to some predetermined characteristics, record the data in a way that we could extract it easily, and then manipulate it to answer not only this question but also to discern patterns across grant programs and across time. Over the course of a few weeks, our indefatigable Museum Program Specialists tagged every grant award we had made since 2011, not only in collections care and conservation but in all areas of museum work.
Something to keep in mind here is that tags are not counts (Figure 7). One project may have a single tag, or it may have half a dozen, and for these purposes, that’s just fine. We just need to avoid the temptation to expect counts of tags to somehow equal the counts of projects we fund or to reflect a preferential emphasis of some kind.
For this six-year period, the majority of conservation grants (Figure 8) have been awarded to art museums, followed by history, natural history/anthropology, general museums (which address more than one discipline), specialized museums (which address one very specific topic), and historic house/site museums. Internally, we always look carefully each year to see if there is a difference between what came in as applications and what we funded according to discipline. We are pleased to see that without fail, it is in alignment.
Figure 8. Number of funded conservation-tagged projects in all IMLS museum grant programs, 2011-2016, by museum discipline.
When we look at collections management work (Figure 9), best represented are art, history, general, and natural history/anthropology museums, followed by Native American/Native Hawaiian organizations, specialized museums, and arboretums/botanical gardens.
Figure 9. Number of funded collections management-tagged projects in all IMLS museum grant programs, 2011-2016, by museum discipline.
And when we look at the projects with digital asset management tags (Figure 10), they are most common in art museums, followed by history and natural history/anthropology museums (tied), general museums, Native American/Native Hawaiian organizations, and arboretums/botanical gardens and specialized museums (tied).
Figure 10. Number of funded digital asset management-tagged projects in all IMLS museum grant programs, 2011-2016, by museum discipline.
Continuing Commitment to Collections Care and Access
So what does all this tell us? I think it confirms that the changes we have implemented have worked well so far. IMLS continues to be committed to helping museums of every kind manage, care for, preserve, broaden access to, and expand the use of the collections that define the nation’s cultural and natural heritage.
Each of our four museum grant programs provides funding opportunities for collections care. Museums for America supports projects that strengthen the collections care capabilities of individual museums. National Leadership Grants for Museums support innovation in addressing field-wide collections care challenges through research, training programs, and/or coalitions resulting in tools or services that can be adapted by other institutions. Our two smaller programs—Museum Grants for African American History and Culture and Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services—fund collections care in these very specialized environments. And lastly, our grants at $5,000-$25,000 levels with no cost share appear to be an effective way to fund collections care projects at small and medium-size institutions as well as projects that are difficult to cost share, such as conservation treatments.
And now what?
We had just over 700 applications come in on December 1, and I for one can’t wait to see how the great ideas I’ve heard about (and those I haven’t) have been translated into doable projects that will benefit collections—and by extension communities—across the country. If you, as a collections care/conservation professional, would like to be part of all this, consider applying to be a peer reviewer this year. It’s a great way to see what others are up to, share what you know, and in so doing, provide a tremendous benefit to your peers and to IMLS. I would be happy to talk with you about what’s involved in the actual work and how we choose reviewers, but if you’re ready to commit, visit, complete the application, and attach a PDF version of your most recent resume.
I feel so very privileged to play a small part in the important work of caring for the nation’s collections, and I look forward to continuing to work with many of you over the coming months. Thank you for what you do every day, and thank you for the tremendous help and counsel that you provide to IMLS. Wishing you best of everything in 2017.
Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) is soliciting applications for the 2017 Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Minority Students. The scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to minority students pursuing graduate education in archival administration and to encourage ethnic diversification of the MAC membership and of the archival profession as a whole. Two $750 scholarships, accompanied by one-year memberships to MAC, will be awarded.
In order to be eligible for a scholarship, the applicant must be of African, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, or Latino decent; must be a student currently enrolled in or accepted in a graduate, multicourse program in archival administration; and must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in his or her academic program. If the program is not listed in the SAA Directory of Archival Education,, the applicant must provide proof of the multicourse standard by submitting copies of course descriptions from the institution?s current departmental catalog. Applicants are not required to be residents of or attend school in the MAC region.
Applications are due March 1, 2017, and must include the following documents:
Transcript from the applicant’s most recent academic program
Essay of not more than 500 words outlining the applicant’s interests and future goals in archival administration
Two letters of recommendation
Completed applications should be sent to:
Attn: Rachel Howard
Digital Initiatives Librarian
University of Louisville Libraries
Archives and Special Collections
Louisville, KY 40292 USA
Tel: +1 (502) 852-4476
Applications must be emailed or postmarked by March 1, 2017.
Awards will be announced no later than June 1, 2017.
WASHINGTON –The National Park Service (NPS) today opened the application period for 2017 Preservation Technology and Training Grants (PTT Grants) to create better tools, better materials, and better approaches to conserving buildings, landscapes, sites, and collections. The PTT Grants are administered by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), the National Park Service’s innovation center for the preservation community. NCPTT has set aside $300,000 for the grant program, pending the availability of funding.
Kirk Cordell, Deputy Associate Director for Science, Technology & Training, said “NCPTT’s grants program supports innovative projects that develop new tools and technologies to improve the preservation of the nation’s historic resources.”
The competitive grants program will provide funding to federal agencies, states, tribes, local governments, and non-profit organizations. PTT Grants will support the following activities:
Innovative research that develops new technologies or adapts existing technologies to preserve cultural resources (typically $25,000 to $40,000)
Specialized workshops or symposia that identify and address national preservation needs (typically $15,000 to $25,000)
How-to videos, mobile applications, podcasts, best practices publications, or webinars that disseminate practical preservation methods or provide better tools for preservation practice (typically $5,000 to $15,000)
The maximum grant award is $40,000. The actual grant award amount is dependent on the scope of the proposed activity.
NCPTT does not fund “bricks and mortar” grants.
NCPTT funds projects within several overlapping disciplinary areas. These include:
Collections Management
Historic Landscapes
Materials Conservation
In order to focus research efforts, NCPTT requests innovative proposals that advance the application of science and technology to historic preservation in the following areas:
Climate Change Impacts
Disaster Planning and Response
Modeling and Managing Big Data
Innovative Techniques for Documentation
Protective Coatings and Treatments
Other research topics may be considered for funding.
Who may apply?
U.S. universities and colleges,
U.S. non-profit organizations: museums, research laboratories, professional societies and similar organizations in the U.S. that are directly associated with educational or research activity, and
government agencies in the U.S.: National Park Service and other federal, state, territorial and local government agencies, as well as Hawaiian Natives, Native American and Alaska Native tribes and their Tribal Historic Preservation Offices.
Other organizations can participate only as contractors to eligible U.S. partners. Grants funds support only portions of projects that are undertaken or managed directly by U.S. partners and expended in the U.S. and its territories.
How do I apply?
Applications must be submitted using Search in for Funding Opportunity #P16AS00579, under Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 15.923 or 2017 Preservation Technology and Training Grants.
When is the deadline for applications?
Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm EDT Thursday, November 3, 2016. If the project is funded, applicants should expect to be able to begin work no sooner than July 2017.
For questions about the please contact NCPTT at 318-356-7444.
The American Academy in Rome invites applications for the 2017 Rome Prize.
For over a century, the American Academy in Rome has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Rome Prize Fellowships include a stipend, room and board, and individual work space at AAR’s eleven-acre campus in Rome.
Fellowships are awarded in the following disciplines:
Ancient Studies
Design (includes graphic, industrial, interior, exhibition, set, costume, and fashion design, urban design, city planning, engineering, and other design fields)
Historic Preservation and Conservation
Landscape Architecture (includes environmental design and planning, landscape/ecological urbanism, landscape history, sustainability and ecological studies, and geography
Medieval Studies
Modern Italian Studies
Musical Composition
Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
Visual Arts (includes painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, film/video, installation, new media, digital arts, and other visual arts fields)
Submissions due: November 1, 2016 Extended deadline: November 15, 2016 – additional fee applies
For guidelines and more information, visit at
A range of grants is now available to assist practising conservation professionals and students to attend the IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress. The Congress is on the intriguing and challenging topic of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works and will take place from the 12th to 16th September 2016. Please note that the deadline for application for all these grants is 31st May 2016.
The Getty Foundation
Thanks to the generosity of the Getty Foundation we are able to offer a limited number of grants to enable practising conservators to attend the Congress. These grants are not available to students nor to recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress.
Application is open to individuals from any country not part of Western Europe, North America, Australasia or Japan, currently in employment in either a public or a private capacity. For this Congress, applications are particularly welcomed from south and central America and the Caribbean.
The Brommelle Memorial fund: help for Student Members of IIC
Applicants for these IIC grants are required to be enrolled in a full-time course of conservation training leading to a recognised academic qualification. Students may apply for this funding at any time during their course of study, including their final year or internship.
These grants are not available recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress. As the fund can offer only limited support, it is not expected that these grants will cover the whole costs of attending the Congress and recipients should obtain additional funding from elsewhere.
Tru Vue
Thanks to the generosity of Tru Vue, we are able to offer several grants each of US$1,000 to assist practising conservators to attend the Congress.
These grants are not available to students nor to recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress. Application is open to individuals from any part of the world currently in employment in heritage conservation in either a public or a private capacity.
The Gabo Trust
As with previous IIC Congresses, we are delighted to have the participation of the Gabo Trust in the 2016 Los Angeles Congress. The theme of the 2016 Congress Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works is particularly relevant to the work of the Gabo Trust. Applications and further details
Instructions for applicants and more information can be found on the IIC Congress pages at
The Fulbright Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching and research awards in over 125 countries for the 2017-2018 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty, administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others.
This year, the Fulbright Scholar Program is offering over 65 awards in the field of Art, including all specializations: Architecture, Art History, Dance, Drama/Theater, Film Studies, Music, as well as the Visual and Performing Arts. Opportunities include:
For additional awards in the field of Art, please visit our discipline highlights webpage. There you will find award highlights and examples of successful projects in the Arts,as well as scholar testimonials which highlight the outcomes and benefits associated with completing a Fulbright Scholar grant.
For eligibility factors, detailed application guidelines and review criteria, please follow this link: You may also wish to register for one of our webinars or join our mailing list, My Fulbright, a resource for applicants interested in receiving program updates and application tips. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and the current competition will close on August 1, 2016.
Please contact Beth Anderson at or reach any of our regional program staff for more information. We are happy to answer any questions you may have on applying. The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world.
The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Division of Preservation and Access has offered Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions for more than a decade. These grants help small and mid-sized cultural heritage institutions such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities improve their ability to preserve and care for their humanities collections. Awards of up to $6,000 support preservation related collection assessments, consultations, purchase of preservation supplies and equipment, training and workshops, and institutional and collaborative disaster and emergency planning. Preservation Assistance Grants also support assessments of digital collections and education and training in standards and best practices for digital preservation, and the care and handling of collections during digitization. NEH does not fund digitization or the development of digital programs in this grant category.
All applications to the NEH must be submitted through See the application guidelines for details.
The 2016 guidelines for Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions are available at You will also find sample project descriptions, sample narratives, and a list of frequently asked questions. The deadline for applications is May 3, 2016.
See our feature article of PAG awards across the country, up on our Web site:
Small and mid-sized institutions that have never received an NEH grant are encouraged to apply. We also have a special encouragement for applications from presidentially designated institutions (Hispanic-serving institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Tribal Colleges and Universities), and from Native American tribes with significant humanities collections.
This year, NEH is offering some special encouragements to address issues facing small institutions and the preservation field. To provide practical experience to emerging preservation professionals, we encourage consultants to work as mentors with advanced students or recent graduates from preservation programs who may assist in conducting preservation assessments, addressing specific preservation issues, and/or training of staff at the applicant institution. To employ environment-friendly practices and limit travel costs, applicants are encouraged, when possible, to secure the services of local or regional consultants. We also encourage consultants to consider preventive conservation strategies that pragmatically balance effectiveness, cost, and environmental impact.
And to address the risk to cultural heritage materials from natural disasters, theft, looting, civil unrest, and other types of destruction, NEH encourages applicants to engage in disaster planning and emergency preparedness through development of disaster plans and working collaboratively with local institutions for training in disaster preparedness and emergency response.
For more information, contact the staff of NEH’s Division of Preservation and Access at 202-606-8570 and