Internships at Hamilton Kerr Institute, UK (2)

Internships in the Conservation of easel paintings at the Hamilton Kerr Institute of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge

Two or more internships will be offered from September 2012. Tenable for one year, interns may be invited to extend the internship for a further year. Applicants should be recent graduates from a recognised training programme. The internships are designed to allow concentration on practical studio work, but with opportunities for research work, depending on current projects at the Institute. Two internships will be funded, with a maintenance grant of UKP1300 p/m and the tuition fees reimbursed.  One or two other internships may be offered, but these will not necessarily be fully funded, and candidates may be required to find some of the funding required (maintenance and tuition fees).

The University has a responsibility to ensure that candidates comply with UK Border and Immigration legislation and have the right to live and undertake an internship in the UK.

Applications with the name and address of two referees should be e-mailed or addressed to:

The Administrator
The Hamilton Kerr Institute
Mill Lane
Cambridge CB22 4NE, UK
+44 1223 832040
Fax: +44 1223 837595
hki-admin [at] lists__cam__ac__uk

Closing date for all applications: 31 January 2012

Cathleen A. Baker Fellowship in Conservation

The University of Michigan Library and the Department of Preservation and Conservation are pleased to announce the Cathleen A. Baker Fellowship in Conservation.

The Baker Fellowship provides financial support for conservators at various levels in their careers to enable them to spend time in the University of Michigan Library’s Conservation Lab to increase their knowledge about the conservation of paper-based collections.

Projects that center on the conservation of related non-paper materials, such as papyrus or parchment/vellum, will also be considered. While most fellows will work with U-M Library conservators to increase their own knowledge and skills, a fellow may also join the lab primarily to pass on her/his expertise to the U-M conservators. Building and sharing knowledge are the primary goals of this fellowship.

The Cathleen A. Baker Fellowship in Conservation was established in April 2011 by a gift from Dr. Baker, Senior Conservator of Paper and Books at the University of Michigan Library, and Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation. The 2012*2013 round of applications is the first to be offered, and future announcements calling for applications will occur annually in the autumn.

For more information about the Fellowship and how to apply, please go to

Deadline for applications is January 31, 2012, for projects to be completed between September 1, 2012, and August 31, 2013.

Shannon Zachary
Head, Preservation and Conservation
University of Michigan Library