Interns begin a SOS! Project

During the summer of 2009, the four intern/fellows, Rose Daly, Diana
, Laine Kirkhof, and Laura Brill, decided to look at outdoor
sculpture through the SOS program to learn more about documentation
methods, outdoor sculpture, public outreach, and Vermont. Rose arrived
in Vermont with the idea for this project, and the three
other interns in the lab were interested in it as well. The
project is accessible to anyone, regardless of the extent of their
knowledge of outdoor sculpture, since the guidelines and forms are
already in place. There is even a girl scout merit badge, which we all wanted desperately, but had to be affiliated with a girl scout troop, too bad.

The project was very informal. Our objectives were to become more
familiar with the SOS process and investigate how the project had been
carried out in Vermont. We also wanted to encourage future efforts
in Vermont, and other interns to do the same in other states. After
researching and downloading SOS forms, we set out to examine a
Rose and Laura examining the first sculpture

We printed out reports an went to look at one sculpture as a group to get an idea of how difficult it would be to write up a report in the field. In terms of logistics, it took us about 45 minutes to fill out the form and take pictures. For this sculpture we used the longer form, that is no longer required by the project.
We brought along a camera, tape measure, our clipboard, forms and a pen. A flashlight, a
magnet, and color card could also be useful items.

A few days later, Rose, Diana and Laine went to the Vermont Historical
to research the 1992 SOS files. They spoke with Paul Carnahan
the VHS librarian, who explained the filing system, and gave some
suggested some improvements for future efforts. He was very supportive
of the effort and offered to publicize any future project through the
League of Local Societies. On a side note, Barre is one of Vermont’s
biggest granite producer’s and there are many granite sculptures and buildings in the area.
Diana and Laine researching previous records of sculpture and more about the goals of the SOS! project.

To prepare for the trip to Burlington Laura downloaded the Art in Public
Places tour booklet from the Burlington City Arts. We chose the walk
down Church Street as it had the most public sculptures. We looked at
Democracy, Leapfroggers, and Millennium Sculpture.

We greatly enjoyed the project and would recommend it to any emerging conservator who is interested in outdoor sculpture.

Abstract/Proposal Writing Workshop

* If you’re eager to present a paper at a meeting but aren’t sure how to condense your ideas into 250-500 word proposal . . .
* If you’re familiar with bibliographic abstracts but aren’t sure how to convert that style into a dynamic and compelling response to a call for presentations . . .
* If you want to use the abstract-writing process as a way to clarify your thoughts for future writing projects . . .

. . . this is a workshop for you.

In this 60-minute online meeting you will learn:

* The four different goals for writing an abstract.
* What you need—and don’t need—to include in a paper or presentation proposal.
* How to write an abstract/proposal for a paper you haven’t yet written.
* How to make your proposal engaging without sacrificing your authority.
* Three simple tricks to match your abstract to a call for papers.

Writing a good abstract or proposal is a skill you can learn.

The workshop presentation will be a text-based discussion in a “Group Meeting” or IM format.

To attend the workshop: $25.00
Special: Attend the workshop and we will review* your draft abstract/proposal $40.00

American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Member Special: 20% discount.

Click here for the registration form ABSW09
Download, complete and mail or email your registration to us. Use the drop-down menu and button below to pay via credit card or PayPal. We also accept checks.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 6611 New York NY 10128

Why Blog?

I can’t speak for everyone involved, but as someone who is engaged with trying to get the blog up and running in a meaningful way for ECPN, here’s how I see it:

Why Blog?

I think the better question is why not blog?

*It provides a relatively informal forum in which emerging conservators can pitch their research, and get their names out there!

*It invites collaboration – in that the format of a blog invites informal peer review and discussion, in a more accessible way than other conservation publishing venues permit.

*It’s timely – ongoing research can be posted and commented on. There is often a several year lag time with other venues.

*Along with collaboration and review, it encourages transparency in our work.
(see Richard McCoy’s musings in Dan Cull’s brilliant blog on the role of “conservy” blogs

*a blog invites discussion also on people’s thoughts and reflections on the field, not just their research, in a timely and direct way that is not possible through traditional venues.
(here’s a good example, again the product of Richard McCoy, guest blogger for Ellen Carrlee:
Indeed, look at all of Ellen’s posts on the proceedings at AIC for great examples of how to marry quick dispersal of the research being done in conservation with review. Like this:

*The blog is a playground! Not only to get to know one another one one another’s research, but for those of us, like myself, who don’t blog on our own, it invites us to engage with and learn how to use emerging technologies and communications methods. And we can even find members to tell us how to begin!

*We’re already attracting some attention and discussion, no? So I would say it will serve as a touchstone for building the ECPN community. And possibly serve as a base for those interested in some of the great blogging that a few conservators are doing now, through the engagement of guest bloggers and tools like a blog roll.

*It’s empowering!

Helpful thoughts on writing a blog post

Writing a blog post can be daunting. You have a page staring back at you and you want to be informative, clever, and maybe a little silly. Luckily, there are several tutorials online to help you out.

The ECPN blog is run through is a great source for how-to videos of blogging.
From the basics of setting up a blogger account and writing a post, an example of adding pictures from the internet see this tutorial.
There are also youtube videos about adding youtube videos to a blog

Blogger provides a comprehensive help section as well.

Now we’ve covered the basics and the how-to, I would like to open a discussion about what makes a blog interesting and fun to read.

  • Write about what you know: I think this is most important, and if you have a specialized knowledge of something in conservation you would like to share, that’s great. People will love to hear about it. Blogs are written by people, not corporations, and people want to know what YOU think.
  • Be honest, share your opinions, offer hints and advice, write a review about:books, articles, workshops, museums, websites, other blogs . The best blog posts are discussions that offer information, lots of links to sources for more information, and ask a questions to start a dialogue between the blogger and the reader.
  • Link as much as you can, let the reader decide what information they can follow. This tutorial can help you to add links in your posts.
  • Add photos and video if you can. There may be rules and regulations depending on your museum, and we hope to address those issues in future posts. I did find a number of photos of the Lunder Conservation Center at the Smithsonian American Art Museum online, and with Creative Commons I can use the photos if they are attributed correctly and not used for profit.


  • The information I used for this post I found on this site, and this one. But a simple search for “How to write a blog post” will give you many other sites.
  • But to really begin you need to understand and become part of the blogosphere by reading and becoming actively engaged with other bloggers.


Happy Posting!

ECPN needs you!

We’re opening the blog up as a forum for our members! Get your name, your work and your own blog out there to your peers Are you an emerging conservation professional with something you’d like to say? Or an experienced professional with something you’d like us to hear?

Seeking guest bloggers for ~500-1500 word entries!

Suggested topics include your outreach efforts, your ongoing treatments, perspectives on your specialty, resources you think we want to hear about, how you get and keep volunteers in your lab, disasters you’ve planned for and ones you haven’t! Have another idea that you’d like to write about? Just let us know!


Pick a week in the next calendar year in which you think you can post one blog entry and contact Katie Mullen @ kamullen at library dot in dot gov to get signed up.

Helping other emerging professionals beyond our border…Part 2…Kinda…

Think of this as more Part 1a than as Part 2. So a little more than a month ago I posted about the initiative by the US State Department to develop a new National Training Institute for the Preservation of Iraqi Cultural Heritage in Erbil, Iraq as well as how we as emerging conservators could help. While I don’t have additional information to communicate at this time, I thought I would share something I came across the other day that very strongly resonated with me about what I had posted.

I listen to a podcast program supported by National Public Radio on WNYC called Radiolab, which is hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich. Let me say to begin with that I am a big fan of this podcast and would highly recommend it. I could try describing them but they do a much better job than I do: “Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Big questions are investigated, tinkered with, and encouraged to grow. Bring your curiosity, and we’ll feed it with possibility” (

I usually will listen to the episodes in spurts and often save them for when I am involved with a more in-depth conservation project. The other day I was listening to an episode titled “Race” that was originally broadcasted in December 2008 and revolved around a quote by Francis Collins in 2000 following the completion of the first full mapping of the Human Genome – “the concept of race has no genetic or scientific basis.” The podcast sought to delve into what does this mean and where does it leave us by exploring the issue along several avenues of thought. What grabbed my attention was the last thought of the podcast, which focused on whether we can accurately identify a person’s background from their appearance. In it, a former translator and correspondent of NPR’s Baghdad office, Ali Abbas, related about how the question of identity and appearance in Iraq today becomes an issue of life and death based on the religious tensions and violence between the Sunni and Shi’a. The difference in identity came down to the spelling/pronunciation of a name (do you say uh.mar or uh.maar?).

The podcast is just over 59 minutes long but the section I am directing you to starts at the 48 minute, 04 second mark. You can find it at the following link: As you can see (or rather hear), the challenges that a program such as the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project (ICHP), which seeks to unite the Iraqi people around a shared cultural heritage rather than try to divide them, will be many. All the more reason that I again encourage you to show your support for this project and our future colleagues through the simple act of donating a book for the institute’s library.

For more information about donating, see the recent post on the AIC blog:

Scholarship to attend Museum Computer Network conference

The following announcement was posted to the AAM-EMP group:

Announcing scholarships to attend the 37th annual Museum Computer Network conference in Portland, Oregon!

The Museum Computer Network is delighted to offer museum professionals the opportunity to apply for scholarships that will enable them to attend the MCN annual conference in November.

The annual meeting provides an occasion where you can meet and learn from experts on the technology topics challenging today’s museums. It’s also a great time for networking and establishing new relationships to strengthen your resources for the coming year.

What? Eight scholarships are available to attend MCN’s 2009 annual conference. Each stipend includes the full conference registration fee, free hotel stay, and a US $50.00 stipend to cover additional expenses.

Who? This scholarship is available to museum professionals who meet one of the following criteria:
• Employed at an institution with no more than 20 permanent staff
• First-time MCN conference attendee.
• New to the profession with less than 2 years experience in the field.

Where?Museum Information, Museum Efficiency: Doing More with Less
37th Annual MCN Conference
November 11-14, 2009
Portland, Oregon

Why? The annual MCN conference offers tremendous personal and professional benefits and rewards. Not only do attendees gain professional knowledge from sessions, they also have the opportunity to network with professionals from around the world.

How? Complete the MCN 2009 Scholarship Application and Acceptance Agreement and submit according to instructions available online at

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2009

Questions? Please contact Jana Hill, 2009 Scholarship Committee chair, jana [dot] hill [at] cartermuseum [dot] org.

Minutes 7/16/09 ECPN Call

ECPN Call 07/16/09

Jason Church
Ruth Seyler
Ryan Winfield
Amber Kerr
Ann Simon
Rachel Penniman
Katie Mullen
Karen Pavelka

I Welcome

II. Project Updates

a. Communications

i. Blogging/calendar –
After looking at Google calendaring and 30 Boxes, we’ll go with 30 boxes. It’s easy to add an email to a scheduled event to send out reminders and it can be embedded in the blog. Katie will work on an email calling for posts – like call for papers. Amber will pass it on to her program contents and Katie will post it to the Distlist, the Ning site, the blog and Ryan will send it to the ECPN email list. Rachel, Katie and Jason all have contacts who are already interested in posting and will pass on the message to them. Suggested topics will be included, such as perspectives on one’s specialty, ongoing projects, disaster planning, implementing preventative measures. Guest bloggers (outside AIC) are welcome!

ii. Website search/ connecting to ECPN page
RP pointed out that when searching on the new AIC website for “emerging conservator” ECPN does not show up, but searching on “emerging conservation” does pull up the group. Ryan will add the word “conservator” to the ECPN page to fix this.

b. Outreach

i. Angels Project (CAP Assessment, other contacts)

ii. Site Visit

Ruth is preparing for a site visit to Milwaukee at the end of the month and is working through contacts there to identify a possible site for the 2010 Angels project. Ann is also speaking to contacts in Milwaukee. Ruth will have more information after her site visit!

c. Professional Development/Training

i. News
Amber Kerr is compiling a list of program contacts. There is a delay hearing back from Buffalo, Queens and the Strauss Center because of the summer break. Amber will begin to compile contacts outside of Anagpic and also internationally.
Jerry Podany has asked ECPN members to submit poster for the next IIC meeting in Istanbul. More will be forthcoming about this.

ii. Pre-program Internship Guidance
A brochure is in the works along the lines of “Top 10 things to know about pre-program internships.” It is also suggested that we do the reverse, and ask conservators what they expect from these students going forward. We’ll use the Ning forum to gather initial information from ECPN’ers regarding pre-program and internship experiences, then build a survey based on this to engage the experience of our network. Once this and the changes (see below) to “Find a Conservator” are complete, Amber and Ryan will work on a brochure to send out to undergraduate departments across the country that may have students who are interested in pursuing conservation.

iii. Changes to Find a Conservator
Ryan Winfield is working on changing the “Find a Conservator” tool on the AIC website to allow users to search for conservators who will take pre-program and internship students.

d. Mentoring

i. Matching of mentors and mentees

ii. Online Application Form
Ryan is running into some bugs setting up the online form. While these are being worked out, he will scan the mentee/mentor application forma and email them to Ann and Angie Elliot. There are about 15 total responses so far. We’ll also ask participants going forward if they are willing to blog about the experience.

III. New Business/ Open Discussion

IV. Setting of next call and adjournment
Next call will be August 20, 1 PM. This conflicts with an AIC board meeting, so the call will be held in the absences of Ruth Seyler and Karen Pavelka

FAIC Online Courses: Summer Stimulus Sale Ends Soon

Attention AIC Members!

Only 1 week remains to take advantage of our Summer Stimulus Sale!

Right now, save 50% on the registration fees for all remaining 2009 FAIC online courses!

The convenience, the new insights, and the on-line community of an FAIC online course will allow you to take your conservation practice to the next level without leaving your home or office.

Register by July 22 and receive the low registration fee of $100 for members ($150 for non-members) for courses such as:

“Mitigating Risks: Contracts and Insurance for Conservators” (July 30-August 26)
“Establishing a Conservation Practice” (July 30-August 26)
“Laboratory Safety for Conservators” (September 10-October 7)
“Marketing for Conservators” (October 22-November 18).

Save gas, time and money and still participate in meaningful professional development.

Simply go to:

Log in as a member to the our website and register for an online course (or two!) before July 22 to take advantage of 50% off registration fees.

Please let me know if you have any further questions about this.


Lisa Avent

Education Manager
Foundation of the American Institute for
Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
1156 15th St. NW, Suite 320
Washington, DC 20005-1714
Phone: 202-661-8069
Fax: 202-452-9328

Helping other emerging professionals beyond our borders

Recently at the AIC annual meeting in Los Angeles, I had the chance to talk more in depth with Terry Drayman-Weisser, director of conservation and technical research at the Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, MD), about an initiative that she has of late been promoting – the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project (ICHP). Developed under the aegis of the International Relief and Development (IRD) through a grant from the United States Department of State, ICHP is a multi-faceted initiative designed to focus US and international resources and expertise on rebuilding the professional capabilities of Iraq’s museum, heritage and archaeology organizations, as well as supporting antiquities preservation and management. IRD is a charitable, non-profit, non-governmental organization that directs assistance in regions of the world that present social, political and technical challenges.

A tangible result of this project will be the creation of the National Training Institute for the Preservation of Iraqi Cultural Heritage in Erbil, Iraq, housing two training programs: a Collections Conservation and Management program, and a Sites, Monuments, and Buildings Preservation program. Cultural partners, including the University of Delaware, Winterthur, the Walters Art Museum, the US National Park Service, and other institutions were selected by the US Department of State to work in consultation with the Iraq State Board of Antiquities and Heritage to develop the programs to meet the short- and long-term preservation needs of Iraqi collections and cultural institutions. Beyond serving the preservation and training needs within Iraq, ICHP will also assist with the re-establishment and expansion of the professional environment within the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad; as well as identify and facilitate opportunities for professional development and capacity building of Iraq’s museum and heritage staff. Recently, Jessica S. Johnson, formerly Senior Objects Conservator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, has accepted the position as program director for the Collections Conservation and Management program.

What in my mind is one of the more interesting aspects of this project is that the program is meant to transcend religious and ethnic divides, aiding reconciliation by emphasizing the nation’s rich heritage. In order to understand how ICHP intends to do this requires at least a basic understanding of the profound tensions that have existed and remain present in Iraq.

Within the Islamic world, religious practice is divided mainly between two major denominations of Islam – Sunni and Shi’a, with their essential difference being grounded on the legitimacy of the Caliphs as successors to Muhammed.While Sunni sects represent almost 90% of Islam’s adherents worldwide and 97% of Iraq’s population is Muslim, Sunni Muslims are nonetheless a minority group in Iraq – representing only between 32 to 37% of the population. Even more of a minority are Sunni Arab Muslims, who represent only approximately 12 to 15% of the overall population. While a minority group within the religious population, a Sunni Arab controlled state has existed in the area of present-day Iraq since as early as mid-16th century under the Ottoman Empire, acting as a buffer against the influence of a Shi’a Safavid Empire in Iran. This dominance continued after the fall of the Ottoman Empire during the first half of the 20th century under both British rule and the subsequent British-backed Iraqi monarchy, with Sunni Arab Muslims experiencing political and socioeconomic prominence. Under Saddam Hussein and the Iraq-based secular Ba’ath party, Sunni Arab Muslims prospered while Shi’a clergy and Muslims experienced severe repression and marginalization.

Notice before that I made the distinction of Sunni Arab Muslims, which leads into the other major source of tension – ethnic disparity. Beyond religious identity, ethnic identity has functioned as a source for either social unity or discord. The Iraqi population can be described as an Arab majority and a number of smaller minorities, the largest of which are the Kurds. Kurds are ethnically related to ancient Persian cultures (Hurrian and Medes). Some 70% of Kurdish population is Sunni Muslim (even this is misleading as the majority follow a different school from the Arab population), representing between 18 to 20% of the country’s population. During the early part of the 20th century, the ideology of a pan-Arabism, arguing that Arab culture and the history of the Arabs transcended religious and communal ties, became popular in Iraq. This came at the exclusion of non-Arab minorities, such as the Kurds, who had their own nationalistic aspirations. Under Saddam Hussein, the Kurdish population experienced massive repression by his Sunni Arab-oriented government in the name of national unity, including genocidal campaigns and human rights violations.

Now if you are not yet confused, place these ethnic and religious divides into a geographical context. Southern Iraq is predominately comprised of a Shi’a population while the Sunni Arabs are wedged in the center of the country from Baghdad north to the southern portions of Kirkuk and Mosul. Civilian violence in Iraq is centered mainly in central and southern Iraq and can be described as both religiously exclusive (Shi’a-on-Shi’a or Sunni-on-Sunni) and sectarian (Sunni-to-Shi’a or vice versa). Northern Iraq is inhabited mainly by (but not exclusively) a Kurdish population and has undergone peace and development since Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

Putting all this information into context, the new Institute will be situated in Eril. The city of Erbil (or Arbil) is located in Northern Iraq and also happens to be the capital of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region. Beyond the immediate relative security and stability that this location will provide to the program and its students, the reality is that students will have to struggle with and rise above the inherent tensions already described for a greater goal – protecting and preserving Iraq’s cultural heritage. With the training, these Iraqi students will become the new faces of Iraq’s emerging conservation professionals, collaborating with museums and sites within the country to promote national unity around the preservation of Iraq’s rich cultural heritage as well as engaging the wider international professional community.

As interesting as all this might have been to read, you may ask why am I posting this description in the ECPN blog? As emerging conservation professionals, we have the opportunity to collaborate with and support this initiative in a small but substantial measure. One aspect of the institute’s development is the creation of an on-site conservation library at the institute that will remain a resource to the Iraqi conservation students long after the project’s reins are turned over to its Iraqi partners. At the annual meeting, Terry made a call to conservation professionals to consider donating a book to this library in support of the project and these future conservation professionals. After having the chance to talk to Terry, and afterwards to Jessica Johnson and Vicki Cassman (who is helping to coordinate the library development from the University of Delaware), I believe more and more that this is a real opportunity for emerging conservators here in the US to help emerging professionals across borders (think of it as promoting cultural connections and ties with people of Iraq). While many of us have extremely limited incomes, it has been my experience that we often put something extra aside or make exceptions for buying books and adding to our own libraries. Wouldn’t it be great that when we buy ourselves that book that we also consider buying one for this project as well? It may sound a bit hackneyed but think of the old adage “if you give a man a fish, you feed him for one day; teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” For me, that’s seems to be the effect that a donation of a book can have for this institution.

In the near future, AIC will be publishing on its website an article about the project as well as a link to the books that are still needed for the library’s completion. I strongly encourage you to keep an eye out to learn more information about the project and consider donating. If you would like to make a more immediate donation or just have more questions about the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project, please feel free to contact Jessica for more information at: