Author Guidelines


CAN! Contemporary Art Review is a non-juried publication. Authors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their submissions and the methods and materials they present.  

All post-prints and independent submissions are published at the discretion of the CAN! Publications Committee. The committee considers their general merits and appropriateness and will review all articles for relevance, understandability, and accordance with the guidelines. Papers that do not meet the standard will be returned to the author for additional editing.  Independent submissions that are not deemed relevant to the CAN! Community may be rejected outright.

Submission Options

Speakers may choose between three options for submissions based on their AIC presentations:

  • Article (up to 4000 words): CAN! strongly encourages the submission of your Annual Meeting talk in the form of a paper and welcomes independent submissions of full-length articles.
  • Short Communication / Technical Note (up to 2500 words): A short communication is an opportunity to report quickly on a specific topic, or one may want to publish on emerging research. A technical note is the equivalent of a tip session at the annual meeting where the author shares insight on a new technique or practice or describing a significant modification made to existing equipment or a particular method.
  • Extended Abstract: Authors may add pertinent images, links, and other information incorporated from their talk. 
  • Abstract: All Annual Meeting speakers who have not chosen an option above will have their original abstract added to the publication. Authors are invited to review the abstract once it is live.

Guidelines for Submission

Please submit your paper and extended abstract as a document file (.doc/.docx), following the JAIC Style Guide. Below are helpful links to the AIC website: 

Authors are encouraged to submit illustrative material to accompany their text, including images, tables, charts, and appendices.

All figures, tables, and appendices must have captions. Figures must be submitted separately from the text body as tiff or high-quality jpg files, with a resolution of 300 dpi sized at approximately 4×6 inches.

Although there is no limit to the number of illustrations permitted, please use good judgment and choose your images wisely, the post print is not a duplication of your lecture presentation.


All authors are required to provide CAN! with a signed electronic copy of the CAN! Contemporary Art Review Author License Agreement form at the time of initial submission. The link to this form can be found below. It is the responsibility of authors to seek and obtain permission to publish from other rights holders (owners of objects described or illustrated, photographers, illustrators, or copyright holders other than the author) and to provide appropriate credits and payment of any applicable fees.


The deadline for submissions this year is June 21, 2024.  Please send submissions to

Editing Process

  1. Submission deadline for all articles, extended abstracts, images, and the Consent to Publish will be June 21.
  2. CAN! Publications Committee will review articles and extended abstracts. Submissions that do not meet the CAN! standard or accord with the JAIC Style Guide will be returned to the authors for additional editing. We ask all authors to revise and resubmit their article or extended abstract within 21 days.  
  3. CAN! Publications Committee will review the revised article / extended abstract. Resubmissions that do not meet the CAN! standard are subject to rejection.
  4. The paper / extended abstract will be sent to professional editors at Aptara and returned to the author for approval. The author has 14 days to submit any revisions. 
  5. The paper / extended abstract will be submitted for formatting to Aptara. Within 14 days of receiving the paper, you will review and approve the final formatting.
  6. After editing, your paper / extended abstract will be uploaded to the CAN! website. 


Authors, not CAN! or AIC, own the copyright on the material they publish in the CAN! Contemporary Art Review. Authors are free to publish their own material in revised form elsewhere. Future publishers who wish to publish all or parts of material published in CAN! Contemporary Art Review must seek permission from the authors, not from CAN! or AIC.