
Conclusion:  Getting from A to B [1]

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The word “charting” that is used in the title of this project has a two-fold meaning: to map out the landscape as it exists today, and to plot a course for its future. Explorations into the current digital landscape reveal a rich but discontinuous environment that fails to meet the growing needs of the conservation profession and the audiences it serves. The reasons for this failure are rooted in issues of leadership, policy, training, digital content, resources, and the low visibility of the profession and its practitioners. Many of these issues were first discussed as long ago as 2006,[2] when representatives in the community met to assess the challenges of “digital documentation.” The difference a decade later is that these challenges have grown more complex with the growth of information networks, and are overwhelming the community and limiting its potential.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The recommendations made in this report suggest a way forward that can lead to greater efficiencies, more reliable knowledge bases, and increased cooperation and collaboration within the profession and with its allied communities both here and abroad. They will guide the community in creating a digital landscape that accommodates its needs and that helps the field flourish. Organizations must take the lead in structuring this more robust digital landscape, but it will take efforts at all levels of the profession – and significant assistance from allied professions – to help bring it about.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 [1] Ken Hamma, who spoke in the first project forum, used this phrase to summarize the goal of this project. See http://www.conservation-us.org/docs/default-source/education/hamma-digital-landscape-am-presentation_2014.pdf?sfvrsn=2.

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 [2] Rudenstine et. al., 2006.

Source: https://resources.culturalheritage.org/comment/charting-the-digital-landscape-of-the-conservation-profession/conclusion-getting-from-a-to-b-1/