ECPN August Meeting Minutes

 The August minutes have been approved.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Conference Call Attendees:

Molly Gleeson (Chair)

Eliza Spaulding (Vice Chair)

Angela Curmi (Communications Coordinator)

Gwen Manthey (co-Professional Education and Training)

Carrie Roberts (co-Professional Education and Training)

Anisha Gupta (co-Outreach Coordinator)

Avigail Charnov (Architectural Specialty Group Liaison)

Stephanie Lussier (Board Liaison)

Ruth Seyler (AIC Staff Liaison)

Robin O’Hern (Committee on Sustainable Conservation Practice)

Genevieve Bieniosek (Student Liaison, ETC)


1. Minutes Approval – July meeting minutes were approved


2. Webinar Series – discussion about schedule and topics, general vision

  • Gwen gave positive comments on the experience of watching the webinar on youtube.
  • Molly felt that the attendees didn’t have many opportunities to participate (as we were still getting used to the technology) and would like to see more interactivity in the future. Gwen thought it was promoted well (through facebook and the blog), and Carrie said she had 2 colleagues watch the webinar (both of whom were over 10 years into their profession) and they found Debbie’s suggestions very practical and relevant. Molly agreed that the presentation was useful not just for emerging conservators, but also others looking for these tools. There were over 90 attendees and many were established conservators.
  • Commenting on the youtube video, Molly said we will have to check with AIC and Eric to see if this is a sustainable program. The next webinar should take place in late fall, possibly November. Eliza remarked that the beginning of November (before Thanksgiving) might be best. Ruth responded that mid-November would be better, as early November is difficult for AIC.
  • Angela asked if there was a planned number of webinars per year and Molly responded that it would perhaps be 3 per year, though we have to work with AIC to see if it is sustainable in terms of costs for staff and technology. Stephanie has emailed Ryan to discuss funding moving forward. A possible $5 registration fee was brought up, but Ruth explained that this could actually create more administrative work and would discourage people from joining, so it probably would not bring in enough participants to make it worthwhile. Molly remarked that Debbie Norris said to let her know if we need financial support (Tru Vue?). We should first see what the costs are.
  • There is a list on basecamp of topics for the next call, one of which is conservators in private practice. Eliza said we had discussed each webinar being geared towards a certain demographic. The last was applicable to everyone (though mostly post-grad). Perhaps we can make it more structured next year when we have a better handle on it.
  • Molly asked if anyone had any other topic ideas and said that she liked the private practice idea. Angela asked if it was possible to have multiple presenters, and Molly said we could have 2 or 3 presenters to discuss how they got started, what their work is like, etc. One speaker was easier to manage for the first time, but next time she would like to have multiple presenters and more questions prepared. Carrie commented that private practice is currently a hot topic, so this webinar would be timely. Molly felt that all career levels could connect to this topic. Stephanie mentioned that there is a FAIC online course this fall on private practice, which could be complementary to this.
  • Molly concluded that this discussion should continue on basecamp and that we will also talk about the budget.


3. Newsletter/ e-blast schedule

  • The last e-blast went out in early July and the next will be in October. Molly would like to use it to advertise the November webinar and said that we should start thinking about what to include in that newsletter.


4. 2013 AIC Annual Meeting

a. Portfolio Session

  • Gwen emailed the board on the portfolio review session. It will be a 90-minute session: 2 or 3 presentations and portfolio review (for different programs and specialties). There was a discussion on whether this should be a workshop.
  • The speakers will discuss: 1) how to put together a portfolio (or how this speaker put together his/her portfolio), 2) developing it beyond grad years and tailoring it to different jobs, 3) refining the CV and cover letter, 4) digital portfolios.
  • Carrie commented that the interactive session is probably the best format. The other possibility is to make it a workshop. However, we don’t want it to be a “how-to”, since the graduate programs would be opposed to this. Stephanie pointed out that the workshop is also a competitive process and people have to pay. Ruth responded that this should be the ECPN session and shouldn’t involve the workshop approval process. The CIPP seminar is on the workshop day but it isn’t a workshop. This can fit into that model, which would give us the freedom to craft the program as we see best. She asked if we will be limiting the number of people. She also mentioned that they are working with Tru Vue on a sponsorship package – they would like to sponsor the ECPN happy hour for $750, but we could also have them sponsor this session instead (for AV costs, etc.) The workshop day is Wednesday, May 29th.
  • In response to a question on format, Ruth said it should be 90 minutes, less interactive (seminar), and a varied session with different speakers.
  • Avigail mentioned that she would like to work to fit in the architectural conservations students, and asked if there would be one member from each grad school or SG. Carrie said we can bring a larger group of people and include as many as possible. Genevieve said she presented her portfolio for the past 2 years and got useful feedback, which others could have benefited from. There was some talk of having people who review portfolios discuss/ give tips on what they look for in a good portfolio (for internships, etc.) Carrie said they will have a speaker for this. There will be a follow-up call to discuss the structure.
  • Ruth said October 1st is the deadline, though it’s okay if it’s a few days after. She suggested scheduling the session as late in the afternoon as possible so that it can go right into the happy hour. Everyone agreed this was a good idea.
  • Molly asked if this would replace our informational meeting or would be something separate. Should the informational meeting be later in the week? She will send out an email to discuss scheduling.

b. Poster

  • The deadline is October 1st. Anisha said we have a writeboard going to discuss this – the idea is to send out a survey on the use/ availability of conservation information online. Angela is going to discuss this with Nancie Ravenel and asked who the survey would be intended for. Megan said conservators in general (AIC membership) and that we can figure out where people are in their careers and how that affects their answers.
  • Molly suggested we craft a goal/ abstract, how to achieve this (with the poll), and what the questions will be, and then present this to Nancie.


5. Liaisons Program

a. Graduate program liaisons

  • Molly thanked Anisha for posting the definitions and said we should continue to refine these and determine what is the goal for establishing graduate program liaisons, what we want to do in terms of inviting them, which grad programs (just in North America or outside as well?)
  • Megan asked if we should recruit people who are already involved. Stephanie said it’s best to go through the grad programs and Molly agreed we should give everyone an opportunity. Then, if no one responds, we will approach individuals. Carrie said they will be reaching out to the grad programs in September. Megan will work on the letter for that.


6. Student Research Resource

  • Carrie is gathering information on the platforms, Eliza is working with Ruth and Ryan, Rebecca and Carrie are talking to the Getty (scheduling a call with Cameron Trowbridge sometime in early September), Angela is working with the SGs to get their thoughts.
  • Ruth said Eryl would like to be on the call with the Getty.


7. Mentoring Program – update on matches

  • Eliza said they have made 8 matches, and have 20 mentees and 6 mentors they are working to match. Then they will put out a call for mentors with descriptions of the mentees, or reach out to people individually. Molly remarked that if anyone knows someone who might be interested, let Eliza know.


8. Tony Smith Wikipedia Project

  • Anisha explained that the goal is to get people to find the Tony Smith sculptures closest to them and document them, and then put their information on Wikipedia and images on flickr. The project is summed up on the INCCA site and our facebook page. Richard McCoy asked if we could advertise this through our facebook page and blog. Anisha and Megan are also asking the liaisons to participate as a group. The goal is to document the sculptures by September 23rd. Molly said to contact Richard if anyone has any questions.


9. The next conference call will be Monday, September 17th, 2012 at 1pm EST. Megan will be travelling so she will not be able to make it. If anyone has a schedule conflict, let Molly know.


Next call: Monday, September 17th, 2012 at 1pm EST



Respectfully submitted,


Angela Curmi