Training in Photograph Conservation, WinterthurUniversity of Delaware, June 4 – 8, 2011


Instructors: Debra Hess Norris, Chair and Professor, Department of Art Conservation, UD Jae Gutierrez, Assistant Professor and Associate Director, Department of Art Conservation, UD


Further develop the participants’ core treatment, preventive, analytical, connoisseurship, decision making and critical thinking skills, through the following activities:

Discussions and presentations

  • Review the chemistry of photography, including latent image formation, printing–out and developing‐out image forming mechanisms and basic color chemistry (chromogenic)
  • Demonstrate salted paper printing to reinforce theoretical concepts relating to image formation o Examine collections of 19th and 20th century print materials and develop lists of key characteristics for each with emphasis on salted paper, albumen, gelatin and collodion printing out, platinum, cyanotype, and gelatin developing‐out processes. Provide multiple unknowns to best assess skills. Repeat.
  • Discuss conservation treatment priorities and factors to consider when evaluating a photographic print or collection of materials for treatment in preparation for conversations at CCAHA.
  • Review methodologies such as surface cleaning in evaluating need for conservation treatment.
  • Address ethical challenges in the preservation of photographic prints materials via examination of photographs in need of treatment.
  • General discussion on prioritization and assessment of photographic collections – consideration of collection size, condition, access, and value and how to balance effective preservation activities.

Written and Oral Communication Skills

  • Preparation of a key list of characteristics and cross‐sections for major photographic print process.
  • Preparation of a detailed list of factors to consider in the conservation treatment of photographic print materials
  • Working in teams, present summary of key characteristics for two photographic processes to be determined. Discuss factors to be considered in the treatment and care of these processes.
  • Working in teams, summarize orally preservation needs and treatment possibilities for selected photographic albums.


Saturday, June 4

Arrival at Philadelphia Airport, Jae Gutierrez or Delaware Express Shuttle for pick up Settle into Winterthur Scholar’s Apartment (reserved) Grocery shop for breakfast foods Informal dinner with Debbie and Jae

Sunday, June 5

To be determined. Ample time allowed for resting to adjust to time change.

Visit to Winterthur

Monday, June 6

Image formation and (basic) chemistry of photography Review of 19th century print processes with in‐depth examination of teaching collection. Develop personal lists of process characterizations with cross‐sections. Salted Paper Print demonstration Factors to consider in the conservation treatment of photographic print materials

Tuesday, June 7

Examine photograph album collection with emphasis on identification, deterioration and preservation options Chemistry of color photography Emphasis on the identification 20th and 21st century process, esp. silver gelatin, platinum and contemporary color materials Factors to consider in the conservation treatment of photographic print materials (cont.) Review surface cleaning methodologies and decision‐making strategies. Examine Victoria and Albert Museum Conservation Department Ethics Checklist ( and AIC Code of Ethics, among other documents

Wednesday, June 8

Factors to consider in the conservation treatment of photographic print materials (cont.) General discussion on prioritization and assessment of photographic collections Process identification presentations (two teams will summarize characteristics and treatment challenges associated with two processed to be determined)

Depart for Philadelphia around 4 PM via shuttle to be arranged to deliver to Club QuartersAgenda

Инструкторы: Дебра Хесс Норрис, Джае Гуттиерес