2009 Bursaries to Attend ICOM Related Conferences Available

Please note that ICOM provides bursaries to its young (under 40 years old) members to attend ICOM and committee conferences, including any ICOM-CC Working Group (joint) conferences. Deadline : 15 March 2009

The criteria and form for 2009 are on the ICOM website under:


Look under:

Support for Young ICOM members participation in International Committee/Regional Alliance meetings

Please do not hesitate to contact the person below if you need any further information about this programme.

Margarida Ascenso
Administration Unit
International Council of Museums (ICOM)
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris cedex 15 (France)
Ph: (33) 1 47 34 05 00
Fax (33) 1 43 06 78 62
Email: secretariat@icom.museum