As our network takes on more and more tasks and initiatives, we are beginning to realize that there is need for a more formal leadership structure within the network, which is why we are placing a call out for nominations for the following elected leadership positions:
Elected Positions
1) Chair: serves for one year; serves as a chair emeritus after their one year term is over; is a practicing conservator and not a student.
2) Co-Chair: serves for one year; rotates automatically into the chair position after the conclusion of their first year as co-chair; is a practicing conservator and not a student
3) Communications Coordinator: serves for one year; is a practicing conservator and not a student.
Appointed Positions
In addition, there will be several “appointed” leads for the various projects being taken on by the network:
1. Conservation Training
2. Mentoring Program
3. Angel’s Project
4. Certification
5. Social Networking
Advisory Group
We are looking to establish an Advisory Group made up of liaisons from the various conservation training programs.
Nominations for the elected positions will be collected until Thursday February 19th. Elections begin on the Friday, February 20th and will close on Friday, March 6th. Results will be announced via the blog and listserve.
Nominations should be posted to the Call for Nominations discussion in the forum section of our Ning network:
or they can be sent sent to Ryan Winfield, Membership Coordinator, at