Your Chance to get involved! AIC Health and Safety Committee seeks student volunteers!

The AIC Health & Safety Committee currently has two opportunities for student involvement.

Student Member, Health & Safety Committee.
The H&S Committee is seeking one student to join the committee for a 2-year term. One of the most active AIC committees, Health & Safety members contribute articles and guides to the AIC Newsletter, host an informational booth and workshops at the Annual Meeting, and regularly address questions and issues related to health and safety in our field. The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in these issues, and a desire to participate and learn from the more experienced members of the committee.

Student booth volunteers at the Annual Meeting in Los Angeles.
Continuing our yearly tradition, the Health & Safety Committee is seeking student volunteers to help staff our informational booth at the AIC Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. This year, we have teamed up once again with the Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Comittee to cover a variety of topics of concern to the field. Students will sign up for 1-hour time slots during the exhibition hall open hours of 10am-5:30pm on Wednesday May 20 and Thursday May 21, and will work along side members of each committee. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about health, safety, and emergency issues, and to network with committee members and visitors to the booth.

For more information please contact:
Meghan McFarlane
Current Student Member,
Health & Safety Committee
Third Year Graduate Fellow,
Winterthur/University of Delaware