Lunch Discussion with Meg Craft, March 11, at Winterthur

Meg Loew Craft, President of AIC and senior objects conservator at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, will have a casual lunch discussion at the Winterthur Museum Research Building on March 11, 2010. It will be during lunch, around noon to 1PM.

The WUDPAC graduate students have been invited and anyone in the area is encouraged to attend. The purpose of the lunch discussion is to talk to Meg Craft about her work in AIC and to allow a forum for students to ask questions about AIC, and voice their concerns as emerging conservators.

Written-in questions are encouraged, and if you would like you can ask questions in the comments section of this post, or e-mail questions to me at rose.daly[at] It would be helpful to give a list of questions to Meg Craft before the meeting so she can be better prepared to answer them. A summary of the discussion will be posted on this ECPN blog.

2 thoughts on “Lunch Discussion with Meg Craft, March 11, at Winterthur”

  1. Meg, what are some current AIC projects? How is AIC approaching outreach for the conservation field as we have historically been a 'behind the scenes' field?

  2. One question, I thought of for Meg. If Meg was a high school senior interested in conservation. What education trac would she recommend to get young Meg to where she is today. Also,work options while in school or between degrees.
    This is something that I get asked on a fairly regular basis. Usually, by undergrad students who have just discovered conservation. Also, I get a lot of internship apps where the students have no work or volunteer experience and when asked always say they didn't know what they should look into.

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