ECPN was very fortunate to have so many strong candidates interested in a leadership role on the committee. We are pleased to announce the following new officers:
Molly Gleeson
San Diego, CA
Vice Chair
Eliza Spaulding
Philadelphia, PA
Outreach Co-Coordinator
Anisha Gupta
Champaign, IL
Outreach Co-Coordinator
Megan Salazar-Walsh
Buffalo, NY
Carrie Roberts will continue as Professional Education and Training Coordinator, Amber Kerr-Allison will continue as Professional Development and Training Coordinator through December, and Amy Brost will continue as Communications Coordinator.
Please join us in thanking outgoing Chair Rose Cull and outgoing Outreach Coordinator Heather Brown for all their hard work to help make ECPN what it is today.
The officers are looking forward to an exciting and productive year for ECPN. Please note that our monthly meeting time will be changing, so stay tuned for more information on the committee call schedule for the coming year.