ECPN Webinar on Self-Advocacy and Fundraising for Personal Research: Funding opportunities, resources, and tips

The Emerging Conservation Professionals Network (ECPN) continues to be very excited about its first webinar this Thursday, July 26, from 1-2pm EST, featuring presenter, Debra Hess Norris, who will be speaking about Self-Advocacy and Fundraising for Personal Research. In addition to Norris’ remarks, tailored to recent graduates on subjects including navigating the field post-graduation, funding opportunities for independent scholars, and tips for self-advocacy, the webinar will include a moderated discussion and Q&A session. During the call, a variety of research funding opportunities, resources, and tips will be discussed, some of which are shared here:

Research funding opportunities, resources, and tips

For more information on ECPN’s new webinar series, Thursday’s webinar (including registration information, which is required), and presenter Debra Hess Norris, please visit:

Have any other tips or opportunities to share? Please post them below!

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