According to The New York Times (“ Inside Art: Venice Plans to Evict ‘Boy With Frog’”, by Carol Vogel, May 3, 2013), Charles Ray’s sculpture, “Boy with Frog” which was commissioned four years ago by Francois Pinault for the tip of the Punto della Dogana in Venice is to be removed and replaced by a reproduction of a 19th century lamppost. The artist knew from the start that the permit for his sculpture had to be renewed several times a year and Pinault has offered to install the sculpture in the Palazzo Grassi where he has a museum, but Ray insists that the sculpture belongs in the location for which it was designed. Petitions have been circulated and criticisms have been flung. This incident raises the large question of whether a site specific sculpture has been damaged when it has been removed from its site.
Has a sculpture designed for a specific location been damaged when it is removed from its site?