BROMEC, the Bulletin of Research on Metal Conservation, requests research abstracts (max. 400 words) and professional meeting announcements (max. 75 words) for BROMEC 35, to be published online.
BROMEC continues to keep you up to date with metals conservation research activities between the triennial ICOM-CC Metal Working Group meetings.
Submissions can be made in English, French or Spanish – the BROMEC Editorial Team will translate and publish submissions in the three language versions of BROMEC. Refer to BROMEC 28 at, where you can freely access all the previous issues of BROMEC. And for subscription to BROMEC:
We trust these simultaneous multilingual issues will increase communication across a greater cross-section of the world’s metal heritage conservation research community.
The final submission date is Wednesday, December 11, 2013, and contributions should be emailed to bromeceditor [at] gmail [dot] com.
–Submitted by James Crawford, PhD student, University of Warwick
BROMEC 35 – Call for metal conservation research abstracts