Grants to join us in Los Angeles for the 2016 IIC Congress – Only two weeks left to apply!

IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress-logo_0A range of grants is now available to assist practising conservation professionals and students to attend the IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress.  The Congress is on the intriguing and challenging topic of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works and will take place from the 12th to 16th September 2016.  Please note that the deadline for application for all these grants is 31st May 2016.

  • The Getty Foundation

Thanks to the generosity of the Getty Foundation we are able to offer a limited number of grants to enable practising conservators to attend the Congress. These grants are not available to students nor to recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress.
Application is open to individuals from any country not part of Western Europe, North America, Australasia or Japan, currently in employment in either a public or a private capacity. For this Congress, applications are particularly welcomed from south and central America and the Caribbean.

  •  The Brommelle Memorial fund: help for Student Members of IIC

Applicants for these IIC grants are required to be enrolled in a full-time course of conservation training leading to a recognised academic qualification. Students may apply for this funding at any time during their course of study, including their final year or internship.
These grants are not available recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress. As the fund can offer only limited support, it is not expected that these grants will cover the whole costs of attending the Congress and recipients should obtain additional funding from elsewhere.

  •  Tru Vue

Thanks to the generosity of Tru Vue, we are able to offer several grants each of US$1,000 to assist practising conservators to attend the Congress.
These grants are not available to students nor to recipients of other IIC-managed grants related to attendance at the IIC 2016 Congress. Application is open to individuals from any part of the world currently in employment in heritage conservation in either a public or a private capacity.

  • The Gabo Trust

As with previous IIC Congresses, we are delighted to have the participation of the Gabo Trust in the 2016 Los Angeles Congress. The theme of the 2016 Congress Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works is particularly relevant to the work of the Gabo Trust.
 Applications and further details
Instructions for applicants and more information can be found on the IIC Congress pages at
–Graham Voce