Location: Livermore, CA (Northern CA, east San Francisco Bay Area, east Alameda County)
Artwork: Sunday with Jessie by Susan Geissler
Medium: Bronze traditional patinas with some acrylic paint
Dimensions: 34” tall (boy) x 45” long (two figures) (Figures are attached.)
Request: an estimate of maintenance costs and schedule for on-going maintenance of this new piece after initial installation
Background: A donor has offered to contribute the above statuary to our City. We currently have a few small outdoor bronze or metal statuary, but none have ever been maintained. The above piece would be placed in a well-traveled location and would attract much attention from children and adults. I would expect it to be touched regularly and we would want to keep it maintained. We are considering contracting with a service for the maintenance of all our outdoor statuary and would issue an RFP when we are ready to move forward. In the meantime I need an estimate of the on-gong maintenance costs for the above piece so that our City Council can determine whether or not to accept the donation. I have a Tuesday, 9/8 deadline to submit this information.
Providing an estimate will not obligate anyone. If the City accepts the donation we will move forward with the issuance of an RFP for a firm to provide the maintenance for this piece and possibly all of the City’s pieces.
Please let me know if you are able to help me with my request. I have received one estimate, but I’d like to have one or two more to use as a comparison. The estimate that I received was for:
One annual waxing of bronze elements and cleaning of painted surfaces – 3 hours
A second 6 monthly cleaning, and inpainting of any damages – 2-3 hours
Annual report and photography – 1hour
The sculptor recommended washing/waxing at least once per year but only estimated one hour or less per event. I don’t want to overinflate my estimate of maintenance costs to my City Council and would appreciate any additional information that I can get in the next few days.
Thanks so much,
Rebecca Cox
Staff Liaison, Commission for the Arts
City of Livermore
1052 S Livermore Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 960-4581