Update on CoOL

This email was just sent out to AIC members:

CoOL is Coming to AIC!

Having reviewed a proposal from AIC and following several discussions, Stanford University Libraries has decided that AIC will be given responsibility for CoOL and the Conservation DistList. The transfer of content from the Stanford servers will take place immediately with expert guidance from Walter Henry, John Burke, and technicians at Stanford.

Our first goal is to have the DistList operational as soon as possible. Watch for one or more announcements on the DistList for periodic updates regarding the resumption of activity. Other CoOL resources will come online under new URLs as expeditiously as possible.

AIC is pleased to be entrusted with these invaluable resources and for the opportunity to sustain and develop them into the future. Our goal is to keep CoOL and the Distlist safe, viable, objective, and accessible for the conservation community worldwide.

Thank you for your support of this major initiative.
– AIC Executive Director Eryl Wentworth and the AIC Board of Directors