The Virginia Conservation Association

Current President, Frederick Wallace, along with Vice President Heather Logue, share their thoughts on the Virginia Conservation Association:

Colleen Callahan presenting her textile conservation treatments at the March 2010 VCA meeting

    What is the VCA?

The Virginia Conservation Association is a regional conservation organization dedicated to the care and preservation of cultural materials. The VCA was founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1989 by a small group of conservators working in the region who recognized the value of fellowship and professional discourse. Rather than forming a guild expressly for conservators, the association purposely was established to be open to anyone wanting to learn about conservation.

The VCA provides a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences and to discuss issues and new developments relating to the conservation of art and historic artifacts. The VCA offers a variety of programs to disseminate information, provide education and training, and foster interaction among conservators, museum professionals, collectors and other parties involved and interested in conservation. Members meetings are held five times a year at various cultural sites in Virginia. Workshops, field trips and social gatherings also are organized periodically. Membership in the VCA is open to any individual by way of annual dues ($25 regular; $15 student), giving privileges to the programs and materials of the organization. Non-members also can partake in many VCA services and activities, (a fee may be required). The VCA arena of interest primarily is within the state of Virginia; however the organization also includes and serves members from the neighboring states and elsewhere. The membership roster normally numbers over 100 persons.

The VCA website is located at the internet address provided below.

Former VCA president Andrew Baxter discusses the




sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington

at the 2008 VCA

field trip to the Chrysler Museum

of Art, Norfolk.

VCA member Heather Logue is an “emerging conservation professional” who is a conservation technician at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. She also is a current applicant for admission to conservation graduate school. Though young to the field, Heather’s enthusiasm for conservation has resulted in her present service as VCA vicepresident. The following is a her personal reflection about the VCA.

In my opinion, what makes VCA special is that we not only meet so often,

but we are based in an area that is so rich in cultural history. I don’t think

that many other professional groups have as many opportunities as we do

to get behind the scenes and tour as many conservation sites/labs. Plus we

have so many conservation professionals here that are fortunate enough to

have a forum and to share their projects and what they learned at the meetings.

As a preprogram intern/technician, I feel very fortunate to have heard about

and joined VCA when I did- I have made many friends had many opportunities

for internships just from networking at the meetings.

Thank you Frederick and Heather! For more information, you can also check out the VCA on Facebook at Virginia Conservation Association.