APT Student Scholarships

APT is now accepting abstracts for this year’s Student Scholarships to be awarded for its APT LA 2009 Conference. Applications are due 31 March 2009. Information and a submission form are available at www.apti.org/conference.

Please forward this information to every student, professor and school you know with a personal invitation to participate. You’re also encouraged to send it to colleagues who have similar contacts.

A summary…
Selected students are awarded a scholarship used to participate in the conference and a complimentary one-year APT membership. One student is also awarded the Martin Weaver Student Scholarship for research. Selected students will be invited to give an oral presentation supported by an electronic presentation during one of the Conference paper sessions. Each student will be assigned a mentor and a Session Chair to ensure that he/she develops a quality program.

For additional information or questions contact one of the Student Scholarships Committee Co-Chairs:

Joan Berkowitz
(646) 437-1326

Mark Rabinowitz
(301) 943-8249

Thank you for your help.