ECPN Conference Call Minutes 8-20-09

ECPN Conference Call 8-20-09
Ryan Winfield
Katie Mullen
Rose Daly
Rachel Penniman
Kathleen Dardes
Angie Elliot
Jason Church
Steve Pickman

I. Welcome
II. Project Updates
a. Communications

Email, NING and Blog will get text of call for bloggers, please also send this out to folks that you personally know are interested.

ii. Skype interview with Jeff Guin
Interview between Jeff and Rachel P. will be posted. Address available soon…

i. Angels Project
Ryan reports that Ruth did not get a chance to visit any potential sites, but Tony Rajer is providing leads, and we will ask Ann to start looking for potential sites as well.

ii. Flicker site for presentation photos
Possibly –\groups\ecpn
No approval needed for joining, must join to post. Most important thing is to tag your photos as extensively as possible. Jason will do a blog post explaining how the Flikr group will work. Jason will discuss on the blog being aware about use your institution permits, along with an emphasis on photos that can be shared, and about how to edit the rights licenses

Logo – we’ll revisit the logo, since we’re branding on flickr, etc. We’ll ask for more submission within a month and then do a poll. Group members will try to go back and tag the logo entries in the blog in preparation.

c. Professional Development/Training
i. Status of training advisory group
RP reports for Amber that all ANAGPIC programs, except Buffalo, have contacts in place. Katie will send name of contact that she had initially at Buffalo. Then Amber will send out introductory email to advisory group explaining what types of things we’re looking to work on. Example: ECPN can coordinate with the programs to provide a consolidated source for emerging conservators on internship and volunteer (pre-program) info, and on possibilities funding info for attending conferences. The information can then be placed in the career section of the website.

ii. Mentoring
Angie – Ryan has passed on more applications. There need to be more matches – what’s the best way to do it? Ryan will send out an email blast w/ call for mentoring program applicants and bloggers.
How will people be matched up? – Ryan says that Angie et al, can match people once they want to know how to approach it. One idea: Rank people by 1st – how they want to communicate, then by specialty. The mentee applications will be sent to the mentors, who can then choose from a pool – but that might lead to problems if many mentors pick one mentee. Tyrna points out current program in NY to mentor possible museum directors, she will pass on contact info and we’ll see what they can learn from that program about matching people. An “online dating model” might be a good way to approach this as well – all people go into a pool that is password protected, then choose each other.

III. New Business/ Open Discussion
a. 2010 Budget
It is budget preparation time, come up with ideas for September about what type of budget we might like to see, which will go to the board meeting in November, e.g. funding to attend anagpic.
Rachel asks if people have ideas for projects that would require a budget. Example, should we try again to have a workshop at AIC?
Steve suggests for equipment for podcasts, as a possibility – Zoom h2 handy recorder, which is under $200. Ryan says AIC in general might purchase this, he’ll check into this. Jason could coordinate who and how it’s going to if we did get one. We are looking into meeting accessibility requirements in terms of close captioning and transcription for podcasts.
Also add budget for chairperson attendance at internal advisory group.
Budget for ECPN meeting at the annual meeting next year, which would be a good opportunity to solicit more mentors and mentees, and have those who are already meet. This will be also be announced in the official program next year.
We’ll have informal dinner again (but not a budget issue)

b. 2009 IAG Meeting
Nov 14th, Saturday. All committee and specialty group chairs meet with the board and all strategize for the next year of the organization. If we have anything for this – pass it on to RP before she attends.
No further new business.

IV. Setting of next call and adjournment

Next call will be September 17th 1 PM EST.

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