January Meeting Minutes

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January 20, 2011

Conference Call Attendees:
Carrie Roberts

Amber Kerr-Allison

Rose Daly

Ryan Winfield

Stephanie Porto

Ruth Seyler

Amy Brost

I. ECPN December meeting minutes approved

II. Discussion on this call included the following clarification on committee process: Draft materials generated by members should go concurrently to the chair and AIC contact (Rose and Ryan) prior to distribution to the full committee. The committee should work through the AIC contact (Ryan) for communications with other staff at AIC.


a. Canadian Association of Conservators (CAC) Emerging Conservation Committee (ECC) will be able to have a poster at ANAGPIC, per Stephanie Porto, but she will not be attending. May have someone from the Queens program set it up, or perhaps the ECPN representative can set it up if in Delaware soon enough.

b. 5-minute talk about ECPN. Preferred attendees are either current students or recent graduates. Determined that Ryan Winfield may be able to represent ECPN and deliver the 5-minute talk. Ryan to explore whether or not he can attend. Rose to provide Ryan with her talk from last year. Emphasize the chance to attend the ECPN Business Meeting at AIC.

c. Ensure that CAC-ECC poster and ECPN posters show that the groups are aware of each other and are collaborating on behalf of emerging conservators across North America.

d. Last year, many attendees expressed interest to Rose about the Mentoring Program in particular.

IV. ECPN Flickr Page

a. Rose asked about combining the main AIC and ECPN Flickr pages. Amy recalled that she and Heather agreed it was a good idea. Rose to ask Jason about how this transition could be accomplished.

b. Can continue to promote ECPN Flickr page in the meantime, and then announce the changeover when it occurs at a future date. Can subsequently promote and encourage ECPN members to submit to the AIC Flickr page.

c. Based on outcome of conversation between Rose and Jason, determine whether ECPN Flickr info should be removed from the flier.

V. AIC Meeting

a. Poster (Amy) – Amy to begin working on a design with what she has so far. Anyone who hasn’t sent her a few bullets about their initiatives is asked to do so.

b. Flier (Amy) – Committee process is to send designs to Ryan who will forward to Morgan. Amy to make corrections from Ryan and send back to him. The flier will be set up as a color, 2-sided 8.5×11 sheet that Ryan can provide to the printer to print with the materials for the AIC conference bag. Amy can provide a digital print-ready file to any specifications. Ryan to advise.

c. PDF Flier (Amy) – Amy will have a PDF of the flier that can be used for outreach to undergraduates who might explore a career in conservation. Discuss distribution with Heather on a future call.

d. Angels Project (Ryan/Ruth) – Site has been selected but not announced because the host agreement has not been signed. Project will take place on Saturday following the end of the conference. Announcement from AIC to come.

e. Business Meeting room (Ruth) – Ruth has already reserved. Group agreed only water was needed in the room, no food order. Rose to provide list of any A/V needs.

f. Dinner (Heather) – Group is assuming no reservations will be needed at McGillin’s Olde Ale House, and that dinner will be drop-in style. Heather to confirm on a future call.

g. Portfolio Review (Amber) – Two of the four U.S. programs are on board, and Amber is following up with the other two. Determined that the session can be held in one of the smaller rooms, which will be quieter than the exhibit hall, offer more space to spread out portfolio materials and gather around tables, and will still be in a high-traffic area. Ryan suggested there could be a sign outside the door, and the door could be propped open throughout the session to encourage foot traffic. Date will stay firm at Thursday afternoon, June 2.

h. Article for AIC News (Amy) – Group approved the final, 1/20/11 version of the news article about ECPN activities at the AIC meeting. Ryan to forward on to the appropriate party before the deadline of 2/1. Carrie was not able to review it because she is not on the distlist yet, but Rose forwarded it to her. She did not want to delay group approval for her comments but will review it.

VI. Student Research Database (Carrie)

a. Very supportive response to hosting it on CoOL, an AIC-sponsored platform. Carrie has spoken with Meg Craft, Karen Pavelka, Rachael Perkins Arenstein, Stephanie Porto, Lorrie Dong, and they are all supportive. Carrie is proceeding with development of a formal proposal based on some overview documents she has already prepared. May also develop a grant application to advance this project.

b. Stephanie Porto offered support of the RATS group based on the fact that student research would fall within the RATS committee charge.

VII. Wikis (Amy)

a. ECPN to promote Wiki contributions as discussed on a prior call. Awaiting response from Rachael Perkins Arenstein to a few outstanding questions regarding the process for the Wiki updates and what specialty groups wish to encourage contributions from emerging conservators.

b. Stephanie added that Rachael is doing trainings on Wiki software for those interested in becoming editors. Stephanie to forward the information to Rose.

VIII. Mentoring Program (Ryan)

a. The mentoring program is proceeding – no updates at this time.

IX. Education and Training Site (Amber/Carrie)

a. Also working with Stephanie on this. Review of the web page is in progress. Determining needed updates and reorganization of information. They will have a call to discuss sometime in early February.

X. Social Media Tutorial (Rose/Karen)

a. Rose will reach out to a contact at UT to advance this idea.

XI. AAM 2011

a. Rose may not be able to attend, but feels it would be a good opportunity to reach out to the Emerging Museum Professionals Network. She offered to assist anyone who would like to apply to attend. Ideal for those working in museum settings to see if their institutions would be supportive of their attendance.

Next conference call 1 PM EST, Thursday, February 17, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Brost

2 thoughts on “January Meeting Minutes”

  1. Hello! I just saw this post and saw that the next conference call took place on Thursday. Are the calls open to anyone to attend or just certain members? If it's open to anyone, where can I learn the dates of the call ahead of time? Thank you!

  2. Anisha, the next call will be on March 17th at 1pm EST. It's usually just committee members, but all ECPN members are welcome to sit in (you included!). You can find more details on our AIC page: http://bit.ly/gnN3Dy.

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