March Meeting Minutes

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March 17, 2011

Conference Call Attendees:
Carrie Roberts

Rose Cull

Ryan Winfield

Amy Brost

Heather Brown

Amber Kerr-Allison

Stephanie Porto

I. Minutes

a. ECPN February minutes approved. Amber made the motion for approval, Rose seconded.

II. AIC Meeting 2011

a. Angels Project. Site was identified: American Philosophical Society (APS). Rose volunteering for Angels project, Saturday after the meeting. Rose encouraging ECPN members to sign up. Email your CV to Ruth and indicate your interest.

b. Outreach. Ryan will coordinate the email blast about the Portfolio Session so it goes out to student members of AIC 2-4 weeks before the meeting, with a “reminder” email the week before. Ryan indicated that email blast timing is more flexible with the smaller lists. Heather will create a Facebook event for Portfolio Session and Happy Hour. ECPN members encouraged to accept the Facebook events since attendance is visible. When Ryan does the email blast, Heather will post the message to the Facebook page.

c. Portfolio Session. (Amber) UD is in the process of choosing 2 students. Buffalo has not responded in 4 weeks, but they are in the midst of interviews, although they intend to identify students. NYU and Getty have students signed up. ANAGPIC is also coming up, so the 8 student speakers can connect there. Amber will email all 8 students the where and when of the portfolio session. Ryan indicated room has not been assigned yet, though Ruth has it selected. Ryan will follow up with Amber.

d. Room Shares. Rose posted to Cons dist list – not much call for sharing accommodations yet. Unclear if interest will increase closer to the date.

e. Photography. Heather will bring her camera to the meeting for ECPN photography.

f. Poster. Carrie/Amber to massage E&T copy in light of new developments. Rose encouraged group leaders to provide pictures of their faces for recognition at the meeting. Try to be doing something interesting. Rose indicated that Stephanie should go ahead and send a photo, even though ECC and ECPN are at the beginning of their collaboration. To add visual interest to the poster, Amber suggested taking some AIC-approved conservation images from the PPT on the AIC website, which is approved for public presentations. Ryan suggested due date of May 2 or 3 for Amy to deliver the poster file to AIC for production.

g. List Addition. Rose will send agenda and PDFs to Carrie for today’s call and add her to the AIC-Emerging list.

h. Flier. Version for 2011 Meeting. Rose indicated the flier looked completed. New Flickr page URL was inserted.


a. Flier for ANAGPIC. Ryan emailed Delaware to find out the process for bringing an ECPN flier to ANAGPIC. PDF format is fine. Same version as for 2011 Annual Meeting is fine. Ryan to follow up with UD.

b. Poster and Talk. Stephanie doing poster for ECC, Ryan is drafting 5-minute talk. Rose will schedule a call for mid-April to touch base with them.

IV. Communications Other initiatives

a. Book reviewers. Michele Derrick indicated that JAIC Book review editor is Harriet Stratis. She selects the books and the book reviewers. Michele indicated that anyone interested in doing a book review should contact Harriet directly. Rose suggested this is a good topic for a future blog post.

b. Wikis. Rachael Perkins Arenstein will get back to Amy about ECPN involvement in the Wikis.

V. Outreach

a. Blog. (Heather) – Rose, Stephanie and Ryan will write a blog post about ANAGPIC. Rose will email a draft to Stephanie and Ryan. Stephanie Porto said 2 members of ECC offered to contribute to ECPN blog about being Canadian and working in the US. One paintings conservator, and one objects conservator. Perhaps identify an American who is working in Canada. (Stephanie is, but she is in private practice – identify someone in an institution if possible). Rose will send out a query or do a Facebook query to see if someone can be identified.

b. Webinars. Exploring topics such as incorporating, or starting private practice. Will do a full script, and can send to Jason to do it, if it’s very detailed. A webinar will be online soon so ECPN members can see the format, what works best, and what topics might be the best fit for the medium. Perhaps tackle in June/July after the meeting.

c. Mentoring Program. (Ryan) Have a few new applicants. Follow-up conference call with Rose, Ryan, Carrie, Stephanie, and Karen to discuss the new applicants, sometime next week, perhaps Wed/Thur. Rose will send out a request.

d. AIC News on Mentoring Program. Heather sent draft for AIC News to Lisa on Monday and she will get back to Heather. Heather will send the article to Morgan at the end of the month.

VI. Education & Training

a. New student position on the ETC. Identify AIC liaisons at the schools and fill this new position. Perhaps develop a list of one student, and one professor at each program to act as liaisons. Amber has a list of representatives from the US schools but no one from Canada yet. Buffalo has offered a student name. NYU, Delaware, and Getty have not identified students yet. Develop list for Canada also. Amber says this list would be a good start, to disseminate the request to have a student member of the ETC. Ryan and Stephanie can try to get a Queens administrative representative at ANAGPIC. Perhaps discuss the issue of school liaisons at ANAGPIC business meeting. If portfolio session becomes a yearly event, this could be another piece of the liaison role. Would involve 2-3 emails per year, to act as the contact person.

b. Student Research Website. (Amber/Carrie) Speaking every other week about this. Working on the proposal. Outline is completed, and Amber and Carrie are each writing sections. Preliminary document to be reviewed at AIC by the ETC committee. Rachel, Nancie will review also. Not mentioning CoOL yet because it may not be the host, so avoid that level of specificity in communications. Foundation will be built on ANAGPIC publications, most likely. AIC and ANAGPIC (Eryl and ANAGPIC representatives) ironing out how it will work. Carrie and Amber will put the proposal to ETC and other parties in the next 2 weeks, for their help in drafting it, and concurrently to ECPN for input. Then, will officially submit to ETC. It will be presented to FAIC if CoOL will be involved. Debbie Hess-Norris will have a meeting with program directors at AIC (not just ANAGPIC) to get buy-in from universities, in preparation for taking in papers. Copyrights, licensing, all comes into play. ANAGPIC currently holds copyrights to the papers they have. Everyone is on board to try to make it happen, so despite the complexities, it is a very exciting project.


a. ECC Poster. Stephanie will send ECPN the ECC poster. A few changes were made subsequently, so the ECPN-ECC collaboration may or may not be mentioned. But the ECC poster is more for the CAC, to attract involvement within their own organization at this point. Also, it needs to be bilingual for ECC-CAC. Unclear how that will be worked in yet. The poster will be just English for ANAGPIC, and mention of collaboration may or may not be included. Mentoring program status is unclear at this time. Rose felt a sentence about collaboration made sense, just to acknowledge the two groups are working together, if it is possible to include it. ECPN poster will have Stephanie on it as ECC liaison.

b. New Facebook Page. CAC Emerging Conservators. Stephanie encouraged ECPN members to visit.

c. CAC Meeting. CAC conference is coming up in Winnipeg, and there will be an ECC meet-and-greet for anyone interested.

d. CAC Emerging Conservator Award and Grant. Presently there is one candidate for the Emerging Conservator Award. Also, with a generous donation from a retiring conservator, a “Pass the Torch” Grant was established that pays for a student to attend a workshop at the conference.

Next conference call will be April 21, 2011 at 1PM ET.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Brost