3D Digital Documentation Summit

NCPTT in conjunction with the Intermountain Regional Office and the Presidio Trust will host a three day summit on digital documentation for the preservation of cultural heritage.

The Conference will be held July 10-12, 2012 at the Presidio in San Francisco, California. The program will feature two days of contributed papers and a poster session, followed by a third day of field demonstrations and exercises. We are soliciting oral and poster presentations that discuss topics which center on 3D digital documentation as used for conservation and preservation. This includes documentation for treatments, applications, future development directions, research, storage issues, and curation of produced data and images. NCPTT is also looking for firms that are interested in giving product and process demonstrations on-site.

Cost of the conference is:

  • $299 Registration (After June 7, 2012)
  • $199 Early Bird Registration (Until June 7, 2012)
  • $99 Student Registration (limited student seats are available on a first come first serve bases.  Student must provide photocopy of current student ID and a letter of interest. Student applications should be emailed to jason_church@contractor.nps.gov).

Registration will close on July 1, 2012

Checks can be written to 3D Digital Documentation Summit /NSU and mailed to NCPTT 645 University Parkway, Natchitoches, LA 71457.

Proposals for presentations should be submitted as abstracts. There are two categories of presentations:


Talks will be 25 minutes in duration, and 5 minutes for questions. Please submit an abstract of no less than 500 words (excluding figures and references). Abstract should contain: presenter’s full contact information (name, title, organization, address, phone, fax, email), and a 100-word maximum biography for the presenting author and each presenting co-author. We recommend no more than two presenters per paper. Suggested key issues, topics, and concepts of papers may address include but are not limited to:

Data Acquisition techniques;

  • 3D laser scanning
  • reflectance transformation imaging
  •  multispectral imaging
  • digital photogrammetry
  • Lidar
  • emerging technologies

Data Management with issues such as;

  • accessibility
  • curation
  • storage
  •  standards

Data Applications such as;

  • mapping
  • modeling
  • visualization
  • reconstruction

Abstract deadline is March 16, 2012.

Email notification of accepted presentations will be sent on April 2, 2012.  Presentations addressing similar topics will be combined into sessions.

Abstracts for peer review should be sent to: Jason Church (Jason_church@contractor.nps.gov), NCPTT, 645 University Parkway, Natchitoches, LA 71457



Posters should be approximately 36 x 40 inches, landscape. Please submit an abstract of no less than 500 words (excluding figures and references). Abstract should contain: main presenter’s full contact information (name, title, organization, address, phone, fax, email). Suggested key issues, topics, and concepts of papers may address include but are not limited to:

Data Acquisition techniques;

  • 3D laser scanning
  • reflectance transformation imaging
  • multispectral imaging
  • digital photogrammetry
  • Lidar
  • emerging technologies

Data Management with issues such as;

  •  accessibility
  •  curation
  •  storage
  •  standards

Data Applications such as;

  • mapping
  • modeling
  • visualization
  • reconstruction

Abstract deadline is March 30, 2012.

Email notification of accepted poster presentations will be sent on April 9, 2012.

Abstracts should be sent to:

Jason Church (Jason_church@contractor.nps.gov), NCPTT, 645 University Parkway, Natchitoches, LA 71457

For further information, please visit the conference webpage.