Seeking contributions for AIC’s new Public Relations and Outreach Toolkit

At AIC’s 40th Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, the development of a new Public Relations (PR) and Outreach Toolkit was announced. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide tangible resources for AIC members to use when speaking about and promoting conservation. These tools will offer information about direct communication with the public and the press, using both traditional and social media outlets. It is anticipated that these resources will assist AIC members working in institutions of all sizes and scope as well as those working in private practice in advocating for conservation and in raising awareness of our field.

The PR and Outreach Toolkit is being developed on the AIC Wiki. Fllow this link to visit the page. This is a collaborative project and the final product will greatly benefit from your participation. We are looking for contributions and feedback, and particularly in the following areas:

  • Getting Started: PR and Outreach: identifying and listing more “Examples in Conservation”
  • Media Relations & Press Releases: developing more tips and templates
  • Events: providing more specific ideas for events and event planning
  • Speaking and Writing about Conservation and AIC: developing more suggestions and adding links
  • Etiquette, Legalities and Ethics: providing more information and tips for “best practices”
If you have AIC Wiki editing privileges, you can also leave comments in our Suggestion Box, found under the “Discussion” tab on the page.

To contribute or to share ideas, please contact Molly Gleeson, ECPN Chair at mollygleeson [at] gmail [dot] com