The online edition of AIC News is available now

The first online edition of AIC News is now available! On May 6th, an email announcement was sent out to all members with the link to the AIC News site.
The May 2013 issue features the article “ASG, Past, Present and Future: Architectural Specialty Group at 25,” as well as annual meeting announcements, excellent Health & Safety and Sustainable Conservation Practice articles, and an interesting new cleaning method in the New Materials & Research column. FAIC thanks all the AIC-CERT volunteers and announces new grant and scholarship recipients in the FAIC News column. As always, Specialty Group and Network columns provide timely updates for their members.
Please remember to check the Calendar Listings for interesting conferences and workshops to attend, and for possible venues to present your next paper. This section will be updated continually as new events are announced, so check back often.
I hope you enjoy this new feature of AIC membership!
To access the AIC News, log into the AIC website and navigate to The link is under the Current Issue heading, as well as in the email members received on May 6th.