Job Posting: Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Painting Conservation – The Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU (New York, NY)

Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Painting Conservation
Appointment: two and one half years with a possible renewal for an additional year
The Kress Program in Painting Conservation, The Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU
The Kress Program in Painting Conservation was established in 1989 to care for the approximately one thousand paintings in the dispersed Kress Collection, now principally located in eighteen public and private museums and twenty-three university study collections across the United States. The other, no less important, objective was to train young American conservators in the classical tradition of restoration of Old Master paintings long espoused by the Kress Foundation, which has generously funded the program.
A two and one half years fellowship is open to graduates in painting conservation from a recognized post-baccalaureate training program (Masters or PhD level) in either the United States or abroad. Work experience in research or conservation practice after graduation is desirable. The candidate’s principal interest must be the restoration and conservation of Old Master Paintings, primarily of the Italian Schools.
The Fellow will work under the direction of Dianne Dwyer Modestini, Conservation Consultant to the Samuel Kress Foundation, Conservator of the Kress Program, and Research Professor of the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. Duties include: conservation of paintings from the dispersed Kress holdings of various museums nationwide; occasional site visits to regional galleries and study collections to perform condition surveys; and assisting Professor Modestini with her studio class for paintings conservation majors. The Fellow coordinates the documentation for the Kress paintings conserved and studied in the program and prepares reports for the IFA web site. Participation in public outreach activities is required on a case-by-case basis. The candidate should be proficient in the study of paint samples both in cross-section and with PLM and be familiar with the use of SEM, FTIR, XRF, IRR and X-radiography. Excellent English prose style is required and a reading knowledge of Italian is desirable.
The stipend is $41,000 plus benefits. There is also an annual travel budget of $5000 to attend national and international professional events or perform research related to specific paintings.
The successful candidate should be able to begin by March 15, 2016 at the latest.
Please provide the following documents: Cover letter, Statement of Interest, CV or Resume, and contact information for two letters of recommendation from teachers or colleagues familiar with your professional experience. Please submit your documents by February 15, 2016 through the NYU web site: (copy & paste in your browser if the link does not work).
For specific questions please contact or
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