Updates for the month of March

Big new ECPN updates for the month of March! The ECPN has a new status as a committee within AIC. This will not change our name or any of the projects we are working on. It is just a new way to identify our group and our structure within the larger organization of AIC. We are very excited with this new status.

We also have formal leadership positions in place now. As you may have seen on the NING site, we had open nominations for the position of chair, co-chair, and communications coordinator. Because the nominees ran unopposed, they have all been appointed to their positions. AIC appointed Laura Brill as chair and Rachel Penniman as co-chair. The two nominees for the communications position have agreed to share the role. Katie Mullen is now in charge of internal communications while Jason Church is heading up our external communications/outreach efforts. Also, Amber Kerr Allison has also offered to take over as educational development and training liaison.

Sadly, due to personal reasons Laura Brill has stepped down from her position as chair of ECPN. While she was only officially the chair for a short time, she has spent a year as an unofficial ECPN leader and inspiration. Her hard work has gotten this organization off the ground and we are so grateful for all she has done. With Laura’s departure, Rachel has stepped up into the role of ECPN chair. This leaves the co-chair position vacant and open for nominations. We are hoping some motivated ECPNer will consider taking a more active role and fill this position.

Our next step is to work with AIC on developing our charge as a committee to be presented to the AIC board for approval. Keep your eyes peeled for more on this in the future. Join us for our next conference call on April 16 at 1 PM (EDT)