Topics in Photographic Preservation
Submission deadline is September 31st of every odd year.
***Next deadline is September 31st 2023 for Topic Volume 20.***
- So that each article is accurately represented when used outside of its original context, the following information is required:
- Article Title
- Author
- Presentation History (i.e., “Paper presented at Year, Meeting, Location”)
- Full Volume Citation in Footer
- Continuous Pagination in Arabic Numerals in Footer
- Statement at end of article that reads, “Papers presented in Topics in Photographic Preservation, Volume Sixteen have not undergone a formal process of peer review.”
- The single-spaced copy must be in 8 ½ x 11” format with all margins set at one inch. Times New Roman is the required font. Contributors are encouraged to use the article template.
- Authors are requested to use the reference style adopted by the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation at
- Topics does not encourage the use of footnotes or endnotes.
- Contributors who submit abstracts longer than 300 words will be asked to edit their submissions in order to comply with this word limit. If the authors are unable to do so, the Compiler will edit abstracts at her discretion.
- Contributors must ensure that all digital images are of sufficient quality for reproduction. Ensuring that images are properly credited is solely the responsibility of the authors.
- All text and illustrations printed in Topics in Photographic Preservation are in black and white only. However, articles are eventually published on the Topics website in a PDF format and therefore, we encourage authors to submit color images and illustrations.
- An abstract at the beginning of the paper is recommended for easy inclusion in AATA Online or other citation database.
- The standard AIC Author Agreements must be signed by at least one of the corresponding authors in order for the abstract or article to be published.
- Please submit articles to the Postprints Editor as Word documents via email attachments prior to the deadline of September 31st at
Author License Agreement (Fillable) T19