Volume 6: 2019-2020

Papers presented at the Electronic Media Group session of the 47th AIC Annual Meeting, Uncasville, CT, 2019, and the 48th AIC Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020.

Briana Feston-Brunet, Managing Editor; Meaghan Perry, Assistant Editor; sasha arden, Assistant Editor

Papers presented at the Electronic Media Group session of the 47th AIC Annual Meeting, Uncasville, CT, 2019.

Revisiting Chemical Reconditioning of Cellulose Acetate Motion Picture Films for Improved Digital Reformatting
John Baty; Diana Little, and La Verne Lopes

Time Base Correctors Under Control: Suggestion for a New Documentation Method for the Digitization of Analogue Video
Sophie Bunz and Agathe Jarczyk

Restoring The Residents: Correcting Fixed and Variable Speed Changes in Video Recordings
Bill Seery and Maurice Schechter

And There Was Light: Restoring the Notman & Son Neon Sign
Sonia Kata

The Use of Technology for the Preservation of Light-Kinetic Art: The Conservation Treatment on Three Strutturazioni ritmiche by Gianni Colombo
Maria Cristina Lanza

A Race Against Time: Preserving iOS App-Based Artworks
Joseph G Heinen Jr. and Morgan Kessler

Towards Best Practices in Disk Imaging: A Cross-Institutional Approach
Eddy Colloton, Jonathan Farbowitz, Flaminia Fortunato, and Caroline Gil

The Potential of Augmented Reality (AR) in the Virtual Performance of Time-Based Media Art
Sasha Arden

First Look: Capturing Emerging Digital Art with Webrecorder
Amye McCarther

Archiving Complex Digital Artworks
Dušan Barok, Annet Dekker, David Gauthier, Claudia Roeck, and Julie Boschat Thorez

Virtual Reality as an Environment and Movement Documenting Tool in Conservation Practice for Mechanical Kinetic Artwork
Yu-Hsien Chen and Tzu-Chuan Lin

From Immersion to Acquisition: An Overview of Virtual Reality for Time Based Media Conservators
Savannah Campbell and Mark Hellar

Monuments in Time: An Analysis of Conceptual Tensions in Media Installations
Dan Finn

Decentralized Digital Collections Storage
Erin Barsan and Ben Fino-Radin

Promoting Digital Media Stewardship in Art Museums
Jean Moylan

Conservators in the Wild: Collaboration with Art Studios, Galleries, and Collectors
Rachel M. Ward

Papers presented at the Electronic Media Group session of the 48th AIC Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020.

New Objects of Conservation: Web-Based Art and Web-Based Records
Patricia Falcão, Sarah Haylett, and Chris King

Conservation in the Contemporary Art Market
Ben Fino-Radin

Conservation of a Software-Based Sound Installation: Insights from the Museum of Modern Art’s Installation of David Tudor and Composers Inside Electronics’ Rainforest V (Variation 1)
Caroline Gil-Rodriguez

One Size Does Not Fit All: Adapting the Institution for Collecting Time-Based Media Artworks
Morgan Kessler and Joseph G. Heinen

Hans Haacke, News: A Case Study on Migration and Cross-Institutional Collaboration for a Conceptual Software-Based Artwork
Mark Hellar and Daniel Finn

Jim Campbell: Caring for Custom Hardware
Shu-Wen Lin

Fitting the Pieces Together: Moving Toward a Collaborative Approach to Time-Based Media Conservation
Kristin MacDonough

El Cuarto del Quenepón: Collaborative and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches in the Preservation of Time-Based Media on the Web
Amye McCarther, Caroline Gil, Danielle Calle, and Claire Fox

“Self-Documentation” as a Means of Conservation for Data-Based Installations
Diego Mellado Martínez

A Cross-Departmental Collaboration to Improve Digital Storage at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Alexandra Nichols and Milo Thiesen

Perfect Sound Forever: Addressing Intermittent Functionality in the Permanent Installations of Max Neuhaus
Meaghan Perry and Sarah Thompson

The First Stewards: Digital Preservation in Artist-Run Platforms and Galleries
Colin Post

From Repair to Prepare: Concepts for the Preservation of Picture Tubes in Video Art
Jochen Saueracker

Preservation and Documentation of Time-Based Media Art at the Reykjavík Art Museum
Sigga Regína Sigurthorsdottir and Edda Halldorsdottir

Capturing Scholarship and Datasets in Contemporary Art: The Joan Jonas Knowledge Base
Glenn Wharton, Deena Engel, and Barbara Clausen