The Objects Specialty Group Postprints have been published regularly since 1992 and include papers developed from presentations given at annual meetings of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). Though papers are edited for clarity and content, the OSG Postprints is not a peer-reviewed publication, rather a conference proceedings.
The Objects Specialty Group (OSG) of AIC supports the professional development of those who care for a broad range of objects including archaeological and ethnographic works, decorative arts and sculpture, contemporary art, and historic collections. More information about the group is available on the AIC website.
How OSG Handles Review
- OSG Postprints Editors will review your initial submission for clarity, content, and adherence to the JAIC Style Guide. They will suggest changes, check references, pose questions, and request more information. The Track Changes feature in Word will be enabled, allowing authors to accept and reject suggested revisions as they wish.
- The reviewed document will be returned to the authors for revisions based on these comments.
- The author-revised draft will be sent to an outside publishing vendor who will perform copy editing and layout editing.
- Authors will be sent a final publication proof, and are asked to use the “Final Proof Review Checklist” (found on the Guidelines for Authors page) to check for any errors before the article is published.
Cross Publication with JAIC
Cross publication in JAIC is encouraged. Please inform OSG Editors if you intend to publish in both. For guidance on this process, feel free to contact us at osgpostprints@gmail.com and check out the links below:
- Common Misconceptions about Publishing in JAIC
- Transform your conference paper into a prize-winning journal article
- Tips for Preparing JAIC Articles and Notes (see especially “The Mechanics of Writing for JAIC, Part I”
Using the OSG Postprints site
Browse abstracts by annual meeting year, or type a keyword into the Search bar to look for articles on a particular topic. You can also consult the Postprints Author Index to locate articles by a specific individual.
This site presents abstracts from OSG session and OSG joint session presentations at AIC Annual Meetings whenever possible. If a full article PDF is available for download, you will find a link at the bottom of an article’s abstract page.
Publication information is found on the cover sheet of each PDF. In addition, the following applies to all OSG Postprints volumes:
ISSN (print version) 2169-379X
ISSN (online version) 2169-1290
Other AIC Annual Meeting publications
The following open access resources are published by AIC and allied specialty groups (SG) following annual meetings.
- Annual Meeting Posters
- Book and Paper Group Annual
- Electronic Media Review
- Research & Technical Studies Postprints
Publications by specialty groups not listed above are free for their own members (SG members: please visit your SG Community Library) and can be purchased at the AIC Store by SG non-members.
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Postprints site maintenance: osgpostprints@gmail.com