The OSG Postprints follow the 2018 JAIC Style Guide, with the exception that first person voice and active tense are encouraged when appropriate. IUPAC nomenclature should be used for chemicals that do not have an accepted common name. Please reference the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition for any questions not specifically addressed by the Style Guide.
- Single-spaced
- Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Single space after the period at the end of each sentence
- No special Microsoft Word formatting. Please do not use footnotes, embed images, insert page numbers, utilize text boxes, or make use of any automatic citation/bibliography tools or plugins. Plain text blocks with italicized font where called for is sufficient.
Word limit
7,000 words for regular session papers
3,000 words for tip session papers
Required and optional sections
(click on the images below to see an example article)
- Title
- Abstract (maximum of 200 words)
- Keywords
- Text of your article
- Acknowledgments (if any)
- Appendix (if any)
- Notes (if any) – limit of 3
- References (if any) for works directly cited in the text
- Further Reading (if any) for works not specifically cited in the text
- Sources of Materials (if any)
- Author biography (100-150 words) including contact information for each author

Please do not insert images/figures in the submitted manuscript.
Please do insert captions in the text approximately where you would like images/figures to appear (rather than at the end of the manuscript or as a separate document).
Figures can include photographs, illustrations, maps, diagrams, and stills from video clips (AIC’s YouTube channel can host your video and the URL will appear in the caption of the still) – anything for which you have secured the proper permissions to publish. Please contact the editors for further information if you intend to submit video clips.
Image limit
20 images for regular session papers
10 images for tip session papers
Image formats
Image quality
Submit images at the highest possible quality
Files should be at least 300 dpi at print size (roughly 4 x 6 inches)
Image captions and citations
All images must have captions with image credits. Credits will be omitted for images by the author(s) unless specifically requested.
Each figure must be either referred to in the text, “as seen in figure 3,” or with a parenthetical citation (fig. 3).
The caption for the first overall image of an accessioned artwork must contain the following information, as applicable (subsequent captions referring to the same artwork need not repeat all information):
Fig. 3. Optional description of image. Artist Name, Artwork Title, date, materials, H x W x D cm. Institution or Collection, accession number (Courtesy of Photographer or Institution)
Infrared & Raman Users Group (IRUG) Spectral Database spectra used in figures should be identified in the caption with the IRUG spectrum filename and a link to the IRUG website, Further citation information can be given in the References section using the following format:
Individual Spectrum
Peggie, David, and The National Gallery, London. 2007. “INR00361, Baltic Amber.” Infrared and Raman Users Group Spectral Database, edited by Beth A. Price, Boris Pretzel, and Suzanne Quillen Lomax. Infrared and Raman Users Group.
Authors will be invited to join a Dropbox folder named with the primary author’s last name and shared only with the editing team. You will submit your manuscript and receive the marked up document for review using the Dropbox folder.
Please submit:
- Microsoft Word document with the text of your paper only (no images), which adheres to 2018 JAIC Style Guide and the guidelines listed on this site
- Separate image files for each figure in your paper, named using the convention: Smith_fig7.jpg
- AIC Author License Agreement Form signed by the primary author(s)
Permissions and copyright
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their submissions and for the methods and / or materials they present. Authors must ensure that they have all necessary permissions to publish the images in their paper. Under a licensing agreement, individual authors retain copyright to their work and extend publication rights to AIC.
Submissions are due two months after the presentation of your paper, to allow for incorporation of feedback received from the audience. Editing will be done on a rolling basis, with a goal of publishing prior the next annual meeting. Though publications may fall behind schedule, we ask that authors strive to keep to submission deadlines nonetheless. Please email editors at for questions about submission deadlines and extensions.
Postprints Editors
Raina Chao, Aliza Taft, Julie Unruh, and Sarah Waddell
For use by authors in the final stages of editing who have received a publication proof of their article from Postprints Editors
As the copyediting and formatting processes have involved the conversion of your manuscript from one digital format to another, there may be errors in unexpected places in the document, so do read thoroughly. Please assist us in presenting your work in its best light by carefully checking for accuracy in the following areas – they include items that you as authors are most qualified to review.
Names and Contact Information
- Spelling of authors’ and collaborators’ names throughout the document
- Contact information in author biographies
Images and Captions
- Cropping of images; inclusion and position of indicating arrows, callouts, or superimposed letters
- Tombstone information found in the first image of each object
- Correlation of in-text figure citations to the proper images
Credits and Acknowledgments
- Specific credit line requests from Institutions or image copyright holders
- Spelling of individuals and institutions in the Acknowledgments section (and in the body of the text)
Sources of Materials
- Complete and accurate listing of all proprietary products and their suppliers or manufacturers (please note that the JAIC Style Guide does not allow trademark, registration, or copyright symbols)
Internet links
- Live URLs for all links provided, along with dates accessed (Accessed DD Month, YYYY).
While we are unable to support any major revisions at this stage, if you notice these or any other issues with your article, don’t hesitate to contact us at