Proceedings of the Objects Specialty Group Session
45th Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois; May 28 – June 2, 2017
Treatment 2017: Innovation in Conservation and Collection Care
Edited by Kari Dodson and Emily Hamilton, with Anthony Sigel, Program Chair
Download the complete volume 24 PDF here
Individual article PDFs are available by following the links below
Program Chair’s Foreword
Anthony Sigel

Postprints Abstracts
Postprints abstracts
The conservation of della Robbia sculpture: An exhibition as initiator of work
Abigail Hykin
The comprehensive retreatment of a Renaissance terracotta altarpiece by Benedetto Buglioni
Rachel C. Sabino
Truth versus beauty: Maintaining visual unity in the treatment of Florentine polychrome terracotta sculpture
Anthony Sigel
Conservation of 15th and 16th century Italian glazed terracotta: Thoughts from conservators in private practice
Leslie Ransick Gat and Erin Toomey
Tempting fate: Treatment of Giovanni della Robbia’s Adam and Eve
Gregory Bailey
The gap between ethics and aesthetics in Italian restoration: Experiences in the laboratories of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence – della Robbia sculpture case studies
Laura Speranza and Shirin Afra
The treatment of two terracotta architectural reliefs by Andrea della Robbia at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Carolyn Riccardelli and Wendy Walker
Structural repair of plaster sculpture using polyvinyl butyral resin
L. H. (Hugh) Shockey Jr.
Carbon fiber fabric and its potential for use in objects conservation
Carolyn Riccardelli
So delicate, yet so strong and versatile: The use of paper in objects conservation
Paula Artal-Isbrand
Archaeological glass conservation: Comparative approaches and practicalities of using acrylic resin films as gap fills
Hana Bristow and Jan Dariusz Cutajar
Practical evaluation and application of cleaning techniques for marble sculpture
Raina Chao
The use of medical chelating agents for the removal of iron stains from marble
Anna Funke, Leah Poole, Jason Church, Dr. Mary Striegel, and Martha Singer
Well, that didn’t work, now what? Stain reduction on a 10th century Iranian ceramic
Claire Cuyaubère and Ellen Chase
Treatment of two badly damaged Egyptian mummies and associated coffins
J. P. Brown, Mimi Leveque, and Morgan Nau
Sitting pretty: Collaborative treatment of an early Yayoi Kusama soft-sculpture chair
Fran Baas and Laura Eva Hartman
New technologies applied to restore a nineteenth-century wax Medardo Rosso sculpture
Lluïsa Sàrries-Zgonc
The case of the hydrating hydra: Examination and treatment of a Blaschka glass invertebrate model
N. Astrid R. van Giffen
“Do what’s right”: The conservation of a David Hammons mud sculpture
Sasha Drosdick, Roger Griffith, and Lynda Zycherman
Resurrecting della Robbia’s Resurrection: Challenges in the conservation of a monumental Renaissance relief
Sara Levin, Nick Pedemonti, and Lisa Bruno
Strut your stuff: The use of strut channel as a support system for objects
Karl Knauer
Modifying rivet fasteners in historic armors: Several options
Katherine Cuffari and Debra Breslin
“Stencil filling” technique for ceramics and the use of raking light during the filling process
Paula Artal-Isbrand
Pepper wax: An organic squirrel deterrent for lead
Lauren Fair and Adam Jenkins
Copper electroforming: An alternative to casting for metal replication
Mark Erdmann
Fast fills for big gaps
Rachel C. Sabino
Unpublished presentation abstracts
To B-72 or not to B-72? Alternative adhesives for archaeological ceramics
Elisheva Kamaisky and Rachael Perkins Arenstein
An evaluation of cold paste waxes used in conservation for outdoor bronze sculpture
Julie Wolfe, Cristina L. Simms, Alessa Gambardella, Rosie Grayburn, Arlen Heginbotham, Herant Khanjian, Joy Mazurek, Alan Phenix, Katrina Posner, Michael Schilling, Magdalena Solano, Maria Olivia Davalos Stanton, and Hope Welder
Local treatment for outdoor painted metal sculptures: Designing suitable paints for retouching
Nikki van Basten, Ulysses Jackson, and Rachel Rivenc
New applications for Orasol dyes
Julia Sybalsky, Fran Ritchie, Lisa Elkin, and Judith Levinson
Thermatech cleaning unit
Justin Schwebler
Passivating stainless steel on-site
Lucinda Linderman
Volara shaping
Craig Deller